Unattended Installation

  • YSoft SafeQ6 uses a mainly GUI driven approach of deployment, however, unattended installation is also supported for every deployment scenario.

  • No GUI is shown, the installation is started via a command line interface or equivalent tool.

  • Installation progress can be monitored from the log files.

  • Installation parameters are provided in the form of a property file.

  • The network interface needs to be a valid IPv4 address.

Extracting the Archive

  • Extract the archive with the installer to your disk.

  • The installer consists of one main executable file (SafeQ6.exe) and several component installers located in the bin subfolder.

  • Run the main executable file.

Command Line Interface


Run the installer binary from any command-line-like tool with the following parameters:

SafeQ6.exe /S /CFG:installationProperties=@absoltute_path_to_your_configuration_file@

Please, make sure that the path to the configuration file (absoltute_path_to_your_configuration_file parameter) contains only backslashes as a directory separator. The installation will not work when forward slashes are used.


"C:/temp/config.conf" - WRONG

"C:\temp\config.conf" - CORRECT


Run the uninstall binary located in the YSoft SafeQ6 installation folder with the /S parameter:

uninstall.exe /S

This will start unattended uninstallation.

The uninstallation progress is visible in SafeQ6-install.log.


The YSoft SafeQ6 server installer log file SafeQ6-install.log is created in the installation folder.

Installation of each subsystem is logged into its specific folder.

E.g., C:\SafeQ6\CML\sqinstall.log or C:\SafeQ6\SPOC\sc-install.log

When the installation fails in its early stages (a mandatory installation parameter is missing, etc.), the installation log can be found in the system TEMP folder.

Unattended Updating

The update scenario does not support altering any aspects of an already deployed and running environment. Customer data and configuration remain as unchanged as possible.

Run the unattended update by executing the installer binary file from any command-line-like tool:

SafeQ6.exe /S

First Server Scenario

First server scenario facilitates the deployment of Management Server. Additional features like Payment System, MobilePrint, or spooling of jobs can be selected. This scenario offers a selection of three backend choices. Embedded PGSQL database or external PGSQL and MSSQL.

Please note that if the embedded PostgreSQL database is used in a time zone other than GMT, the following workaround to the known limitation must be applied.

Configuring the PostgreSQL Time Zone for Correct Print Job and Report Data

First Server Scenario – Example

#Mandatory parameters
deploymentScenario = FIRST_SERVER
targetDir = C:\SafeQ6
enableMobilePrint = true
enablePayment = true
enableSpooling = true
#you can choose from three database types, one has to be selected
databaseLocation = EMBEDDED
databasePassword = postgres
#databaseLocation = EXTERNAL
#databaseVendor = PGSQL
#databaseUser = postgres
#databasePassword = postgres
#databaseHost =
#databasePort = 5432
#databaseLocation = EXTERNAL
#databaseVendor = MSSQL
#databaseUser = sa
#databasePassword = 111111
#databaseHost =
#databasePort = 1433
#MobilePrint specific setup
emailServer =
emailUser= test
emailPassword= test
emailPort = 995
emailProtocol = POP3
emailSecured = true
#Optional parameters
#databaseName = SQ6DB
#domainName = DOMAIN
#alwaysOnMssql = true
#managementServerGUID= Management1
#spocGUID= SPOC1
#networkInterface =
#installUPD = true

First Server Scenario Split Database – Example

#Mandatory parameters
deploymentScenario = FIRST_SERVER
targetDir = C:\SafeQ6
enableMobilePrint = true
enablePayment = true
enableSpooling = true
#you can choose from three database types, one has to be selected
databaseLocation = EMBEDDED
databasePassword = postgres
#databaseLocation = EXTERNAL
#databaseVendor = PGSQL
#databaseUser = postgres
#databasePassword = postgres
#databaseHost =
#databasePort = 5432
#databaseLocation = EXTERNAL
#databaseVendor = MSSQL
#databaseUser = sa
#databasePassword = 111111
#databaseHost =
#databasePort = 1433
#you can choose from three database mode, the default is Single Server Single Database
#a - Single Server Single Database
#b - Single Server Multi Database
#DWdatabaseName = SQ6DB_DWH
#c - Multi Server Multi Database
#DWdatabaseUser = postgres
#DWdatabasePassword = postgres
#DWdatabaseHost =
#DWdatabasePort = 5432
#DWdatabaseName = SQ6DB_DWH
#MobilePrint specific setup
emailServer =
emailUser= test
emailPassword= test
emailPort = 995
emailProtocol = POP3
emailSecured = true
#Optional parameters
#databaseName = SQ6DB
#domainName = DOMAIN
#alwaysOnMssql = true
#managementServerGUID= Management1
#spocGUID= SPOC1
#networkInterface =
#installUPD = true

Site Server Scenario – Example

#Mandatory parameters
deploymentScenario = SITE_SERVER
targetDir = C:\SafeQ6
enableMobilePrint = true
enablePayment = true
enableSpooling = true
#specify connection parameters to Management server(s) - up to 4 servers can be specified
serverGUID1 = Management1
serverPORT1 = 6010
serverIP1 =
#serverGUID2 = Management2
#serverPORT2 = 6010
#serverIP2 =
#serverGUID3 = Management3
#serverPORT3 = 6010
#serverIP3 =
#serverGUID4 = Management4
#serverPORT4 = 6010
#serverIP4 =
#MobilePrint specific setup
emailServer =
emailUser= test
emailPassword= test
emailPort = 995
emailProtocol = POP3
emailSecured = true
#Payment specific setup
#you can choose from three database types, one has to be selected
databaseLocation = EMBEDDED
databasePassword = postgres
#databaseLocation = EXTERNAL
#databaseVendor = PGSQL
#databaseUser = postgres
#databasePassword = postgres
#databaseHost =
#databasePort = 5432
#databaseLocation = EXTERNAL
#databaseVendor = MSSQL
#databaseUser = sa
#databasePassword = sa
#databaseHost =
#databasePort = 1433
#Optional parameters
#databaseName = SQ6DB
#domainName = DOMAIN
#alwaysOnMssql = true
#siteServerGUID= Site1
#networkInterface =
#installUPD = true

Add a Management Server Node to an Existing Cluster – Example

#Mandatory parameters
deploymentScenario = CLUSTER_NODE
targetDir = C:\SafeQ6
nodeAddress =
mgmtPropertiesPath = C:\temp\safeq.properties
enableMobilePrint = false
enableSpooling = false
#MobilePrint specific setup
#emailServer =
#emailUser= test
#emailPassword= test
#emailPort = 995
#emailProtocol = POP3
#emailSecured = true
#Optional parameters
#managementServerGUID = Management2
#spocGUID= SPOC2
#networkInterface =
#installUPD = true
#imsPropertiesPath = C:\temp\application.properties