Configuring the PostgreSQL Time Zone for Correct Print Job and Report Data

This is a description of the workaround for a known issue with the incorrect print job and report data for YSoft SafeQ 6 Management Server installed with an embedded PostgreSQL in another time zone than GMT.

The PostgreSQL database server uses the GMT time zone by default. If you have YSoft SafeQ Management Server in a different time zone, you must change the PostgreSQL time zone to the same one.

Step-by-step Guide

  1. Edit <install_dir>\Management\PGSQL-data\postgresql.conf.

  2. Set the timezone property according to The easiest approach is to use syntax GMT+<hours>, the example below sets the CET timezone which equals to GMT+1:

    PostgreSQL connection properties
    timezone = 'GMT+1'
  3. Restart the YSoft SafeQ Bundled PostgreSQL 11 service.

  4. Run the following command: <install_dir>\Management\tomcat\bin\tomcat8w.exe //ES//YSoftSQ-Management.

  5. Go to the tab Java.

  6. Add the following text at the end of the Java Options section: -Duser.timezone="<TIMEZONE NAME>", for example, -Duser.timezone="Europe/Prague". You can find a list of time zone values in column TZ of the table at

  7. Apply the change and restart the Management Service.

  8. Wait at least three minutes the for change to take effect. From this time, any jobs sent to YSoft SafeQ 6 will have the correct time on the web interface.