First server installation with an external Database

This section describes scenario that deploys Management Server with additional features with the use of an external database server.


When selected to use external database, you will be prompted to enter the connection settings to the database. These connection settings differ based on the type of the database vendor selected.

When you select the option "Use external database for data warehouse", you will need to enter the name of the data warehouse database as well.

Standalone data warehouse database

If you plan to have the data warehouse database on completely different server, please refer to First server installation with standalone data warehouse database section.

Microsoft SQL database server


  • Provide the parameters needed to connect to the external MSSQL database server.

  • Test your connection parameters, and refer to the installation log in case of connection errors.

SQL Authentication

SQL Authentication is the typical authentication composed of a username and password. The installation guide asks you to provide credentials for the user that later on will be used for accessing the database.

The installation guide uses the provided database account to automate most of the database related installation tasks (the creation of databases, database schemes, tables, etc.)

Database account requirements:

  • A detailed description of required database credentials: YSoft SafeQ server requirements.

  • The provided credentials are saved to the YSoft SafeQ configuration and, therefore, the credentials must remain unchanged (unless a corresponding change is made to the YSoft SafeQ configuration).

Windows Authentication

Windows authentication uses credentials from your windows account and domain environment to authenticate to MS SQL Server.

The installation guide does NOT automate database configuration tasks to avoid security risks. Databases need to be created and configured manually beforehand.

For more detailed information, follow this step-by-step guide. Server installer must be run under the domain user used to connect to database. The installer checks if SQDB6 and SQDB6_IMS (and also SQDB6_YPS if YSoft SafeQ Payment System is enabled) databases are present to avoid an installation failure later on. SQDB6 serves as a prefix that can be customized.

PostgreSQL database server

The database must be accessible from the network

Please make sure that Database server hostname/IP address is permitted in the PostgreSQL's pg_hba.conf.


  • Provide the parameters needed to connect to the external database server.

  • Test your connection parameters using Test connection button, and refer to the installation log in case of connection errors