Troubleshooting YSoft SafeQ Client

Frequently encountered issues

Following is the list of frequently encountered issues with YSoft SafeQ Job Service and solutions which can help you solving them.

1. There is no YSoft SafeQ Client tray icon visible

The installation on Windows requires you to log out and log in again or start the desktop application manually by opening C:/SafeQ6/Spooler/YSoft SafeQ Client/YSoft SafeQ Client.exe.

2. YSoft SafeQ Client cannot connect to server, resulting in message "The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure."

If you installed YSoft SafeQ Job Service with a certificate that is not trusted by the operating system where the client is installed, it will not connect to the server. You can either use trusted certificate in YSoft SafeQ Job Service or you can disable the validation certificate in YSoft SafeQ Client (see Configuration).

3. YSoft SafeQ Client user interface keep reopening after a print job is sent

Check whether the time difference between the workstation time and server time is not greater than 60 seconds. If it is greater then only possible way to fix this issue is by synchronizing the time of server and workstation. This restriction is because of the security aspects of the underlying authentication mechanism.

4. YSoft SafeQ Client does not use Single Sign On to authenticate user

Single sign on requires YSoft SafeQ Job Service to be hosted in IIS. See Deployment of YSoft SafeQ Job Service for details.

If the YSoft SafeQ Job Service is hosted in IIS and single sign on still does not work on macOS devices then make sure that you use hostname as the server address when installing clients on macOS. macOS does not enable single sign on with IP addresses.

5. Cannot send document to print and YSoft SafeQ Client shows "Something went wrong" error

This error can happen when the configuration is wrong or the site server is unavailable. Please check the YSoft SafeQ Client configuration and the connection to the site server. If you change the YSoft SafeQ Client configuration please restart YSoft SafeQ Spooler service. If the service is in Starting state, you must end the process YSoft.Spooler.Host and start the service. Alternatively you can reboot your device.