Monitoring of YSoft SafeQ Job Service


YSoft SafeQ Job Service log file can be found at $JobServiceInstallationPath$/logs/jobservice.log, where the log file is rolled every day or when it reaches 50 MB in size.

Health check API

YSoft SafeQ Job Service has a REST API to check the health status of the service. It currently returns

  • version of the YSoft SafeQ Job Service

  • number of connected YSoft SafeQ Spoolers

  • availability of distributed layer

The information is available by calling HTTP GET method on /health endpoint

Calling the API

You can use tools such as Postman or Insomnia. Following is a sample of the request and response in Insomnia


If you want to call the API from Terminal on macOS you can use following command

curl on macOS
curl -H "Accept:application/json" https://{JobServiceIPAddress}:{JobServicePort}/health

If you want to cal the API from Windows Powershell you use following command

Invoke-WebRequest on Windows
Invoke-WebRequest https://{JobServiceIPAddress}:{JobServicePort}/health @{"accept"="application/json"}