Troubleshooting YSoft SafeQ Job Service

Frequently encountered issues

Following is the list of frequently encountered issues with YSoft SafeQ Job Service and solutions which can help you solve them.

1. Near roaming between YSoft SafeQ Job Services fails on Not Authorized

If you found that YSoft SafeQ Job Service could not forward the print request to another YSoft SafeQ Job Service in near roaming group because the remote YSoft SafeQ Job Service returned Not Authorized, make sure that you installed both services with the same signing certificate. If you use a separate signing certificate for each service then they will not be able to communicate with each other.

2. YSoft SafeQ Job Service does not send print commands to connected YSoft SafeQ Spoolers

If a user can send print jobs using YSoft SafeQ Client but those jobs cannot be released from any printer, then make sure that you have the YSoft SafeQ Job Service correctly configured for your specific YSoft SafeQ version. YSoft SafeQ Job Service which is connected to YSoft SafeQ version MU27 or earlier has to be configured differently.

3. Install script does not get executed

It is possible that Windows might block the install scripts (PowerShell). To unblock them, right-click the script, select Properties, and there click/select Unblock. Also make sure, that the user under which you run the script is allowed to run PowerShell scripts (execution policy in Windows).

4. Near roaming between YSoft SafeQ Job Services fails on "The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure."

If you did not install your YSoft SafeQ Job Services with certificates, which are trusted by the operating system where your services run, you have to disable the certificate validation in the configuration file of the YSoft SafeQ Job Service. You can do it by adding setting DisableCertificateValidation to true in JobServiceOptions group:

"JobServiceOptions": {
"DisableCertificateValidation": true

5. Clients are unable to connect with error ERR_HTTP2_INADEQUATE_TRANSPORT_SECURITY

You are probably hosting on a server that does not support HTTP/2 protocol or is incorrectly configured. You can either fix the issue on your server if possible or force YSoft SafeQ Job Service to use the HTTP/1 protocol.

To force HTTP/1 protocol add the following to the configuration file:

"Kestrel": {
"EndpointDefaults": {
"Protocols": "Http1"

6. Users are unable to release print jobs from site servers in an NRG

It may happen that in some setups (namely NRG with server spoolers or infrastructures with a load balancer) YSoft SafeQ Job Service is unable to route a print request (or other Spooler specific requests) to the Spooler that owns the job.

You may also see the following exception in the logs

System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue was full.

This is caused by incorrect information stored in the address book that is used for routing the requests to Spoolers. The address book contains a mapping of where a Spooler is currently connected and the address of the Job Service. This information is automatically inferred from the connection, but in some cases, it is inferred incorrectly.

The following documentation section can help you configure it properly.

Job Service Self-URL resolution