Rule-Based Engine Notifications

An administrator can set up a rule in the management interface to display a notification message with given content to the user. The YSoft SafeQ Client v3 displays a notification message on the reception of a job by the YSoft SafeQ server.

Some variables or placeholders (job title, job size, etc.) can be defined in the notification message, as shown in the following image.


The notification messages are grouped within one window until the window is closed by the user, as shown in the following image.


An Example of a Rule:

When "Job belongs to user with role Management", " Change job owner to John Doe " and " Send YSoft SafeQ Desktop Interface notification with content of Text to job owner".

Prerequisites and limitations:

For the notifications to appear to the job owner, the following requirements have to be met:

  • The license has to include the "RBE Action: YSoft SafeQ Client notifications" feature ;

  • Client v3 has to be installed in the client spooling mode;

  • The jobs were spooled with the same client v3 (the feature is not available for jobs spooled at the server spooler (MPS, EUI, FSP in server spooling mode, etc.)).