Site server selection strategies

YSoft SafeQ Client v3 supports three types of strategies that can be used to select a site server from the collection of site servers that it has in the configuration file or that it discovers from DHCP. This strategy is used once you start YSoft SafeQ Client v3 and also when it loses connection to current site server. You can configure the selection strategy by changing the following configuration

  "SiteServerOptions": {
    "SiteServerSelectionStrategy": "Latency" // Random, RoundRobin or Latency

Random selection strategy

Random selection strategy selects a site server from the collection randomly. If there is only one site server in the collection, it will use the same site server over and over again. If there are multiple site servers in the collection, you will get a random site server. However, you will never get the same site server twice in a row, unless the YSoft SafeQ Spooler service gets restarted.

Round robin selection strategy

Round robin selection strategy selects a site server from the collection in a circle. If you have three site servers in the configuration file - SiteServer1, SiteServer2 and SiteServer3, it will select SiteServer1 then SiteServer2 then SiteServer3 and again in a circle.

Latency selection strategy

Latency selection strategy finds the nearest site server by approximate distance. YSoft SafeQ Spooler measures latency by initiating a TCP connection to the site server. The site server with the lowest latency, and likely shortest distance, will be selected.