Manual print location selection

YSoft SafeQ Client v3 supports manual print location selection, so the user can specify the print location they want to connect to in order to support users traveling between locations.

Enabling manual print location selection is only recommended for troubleshooting purposes and is not intended for standard usage, mainly due to its limitation.

Enabling the Manual print location selection

In order to enable the manual print location selection in the YSoft SafeQ Client v3, the following option has to be set in the YSoft SafeQ Client v3 configuration file:

"SiteServerOptions": {
   "EnableManualSiteServerSelection": true,

If the option "EnableManualSiteServerSelection" is set to "true", the user can access the manual print location selection settings in the section Client settings. The Client settings section is located in the main menu for the logged user (left image). The not-logged user can also access the Client settings via the Tray application - in this case, the main application menu is not displayed (right image). images/download/attachments/262114300/image2022-7-22_11-42-49.png images/download/attachments/262114300/image2022-7-22_11-43-46.png

If the option "EnableManualSiteServerSelection" is set to "false", or not specified at all, then the user cannot edit the print location and this option is disabled in the Client settings.images/download/attachments/262114300/image2022-7-22_11-44-7.png

Usage of the Manual print location selection

In case the Manual print location selection is disabled, then the print location is selected automatically according to Site server selection strategies.

In case the Manual print location selection is enabled, then the user manually selects the print location to which their client will connect to. By default the first print location in the Site Servers list is chosen, unless the default is configured by setting "SelectedSiteServerAlias" configuration option to either Site Server's "Alias" or "Host".


Sources of print locations

A list of shown print locations can be composed using different sources. They are always taken from the "SiteServers" list in the configuration file. Currently, two sources are supported:

  • local – configuration file (local.json) of the YSoft SafeQ Client v3. This is specified during the installation of YSoft SafeQ Client v3. This can be also manually changed anytime.

  • jobservice – list of print locations obtained from the Job Service.

These options can be combined, e.g. having both the local and the jobservice sources.

If no print location source is specified, the local configuration file is used by default.

"SiteServerOptions": {
   "SiteServerSources": ["local", "jobservice"]  