Edit Connector - Advanced settings

Enable advanced settings by switching to the "Advanced" page view. Advanced settings let you configure the following additional connector options:

Failure Behavior

Use connector failure behavior to configure the next steps in case scan processing or delivery fails. In failure behavior, specify a backup directory with its authentication type, the number of retry attempts, and the delay between these attempts.

  • Enable fall back directory – Enable or disable saving files to a fall back directory in case of scan failure

    By default, this option is enabled and the default fallback directory path is set to '%safeqHome%\FailedScans\%userUsername%\%scanDate%'

  • Fallback directory – Defines the path where a scanned document is going to be stored in case the workflow fails during scan processing or delivery. The value of the field can be:

    • the path to a local file system on the server running YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System, e.g. 'C:\scans\'

    • a UNC path to a network shared folder, e.g., '\\example_server_hostname\scans\'

  • The value can contain capture variables, e.g. the '%userHome%' variable

  • Authentication – Determines which credentials YSoft SafeQ 6 will use to access the backup directory. Choose from the options below:

    • Use default service credentials – the same account under which the YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System service is running will be used (most suitable for a local file system path).

    • Use custom service account – manually set account credentials (most suitable for a shared network folder)

    • Username – The account name in the format 'domain\username', e.g., 'example.local\scanservice'. If the domain is omitted, the local host is used (.\username)

  • Password – The account password

  • Number of retry attempts – In case a scan delivery fails, the number of times the YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System will retry the delivery of a scan before a scan job fails

  • Delay between retry attempts – The delay before each delivery retry attempt


Use connector restrictions to apply limits to scan jobs – set up a maximum number of scanned files per scan job, the maximum size of the scanned job, and define an alternative location for the scanned document in case these limitations are reached so the scanned document is not lost.

  • Enable delivery restrictions – Enable or disable restrictions functionality. If it is not checked, then the form is not displayed

  • Maximum number of scanned files per scan job – Set a limit for scanned files per job

  • Maximum scan job size – Set a limit for the size of the scanned document

  • Directory for scan jobs that exceed limits – Defines the path of where the scan is going to be stored in case any of the limitations is reached while scanning the document. Can be:

    • a path to a local file system on the server running YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System, e.g., 'C:\scans\'

    • a UNC path to a network shared folder, e.g., '\\example_server_hostname\scans\'

    It can contain capture variables, e.g. the '%userHome%' variable

  • Authentication – Determines which credentials YSoft SafeQ 6 will use to access the backup directory. Choose from the options below:

    • Default service credentials – the same account under which the YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System service is running will be used (most suitable for a local filesystem path)

    • Custom service account – manually set account credentials (most suitable for a shared network folder)

  • Username – The account name in the format 'domain\username', e.g., 'example.local\scanservice'. If the domain is omitted, the local host is used (.\username)

  • Password – The account password


Use connector notifications to enable email notifications. It is possible to configure notifications whether scan delivery succeeds, scan delivery fails, or when restrictions are reached. For each of the notifications, it is possible to set up a recipient, subject, and body of the email.

  • Delivery failure notifications – Enable or disable notifications in case of scan delivery fails. If disabled, then the form is not displayed

  • Recipients – Recipients of the email notification

  • Subject – The subject of the email notification

  • Body – The body of the email notification. HTML tags can be used for formatting

  • Delivery success notifications – Enable or disable notifications in case scan delivery succeeds. If it is not checked, then the form is not displayed (the same fields as in delivery failure notifications)

  • Restriction notifications – Enable or disable notifications in case any of the restrictions is reached. If it is not checked, then the form is not displayed (the same fields as in delivery failure notifications)