Data Export and Import

About Data Export and Import

Data Export and Import are simple utilities for managing data users, roles and cost centers .

The Data Export page is accessible from all pages under Actions in the Users section.

Data Export

On the left-hand side of the Data Export page, an administrator can select character encoding. On the right-hand side of the Data Export page, a user can select the scope of the data to export. The export is saved in a CSV file format.


CSV Character Encoding

The CSV file will be created according to the selected encoding listed below.




The data will be exported with UTF-8 encoding


The data will be exported with Windows-1250 encoding


The data will be exported with Windows-1252 encoding


The data will be exported with ISO-8859-1 encoding


The data will be exported with ISO-8859-2 encoding


An administrator can select another encoding type

The Scope of the Data to Export

The CSV data will be exported according to the selected sources listed below.



Export Users

Export all users to a CSV file

Export Cost Centers

Export all cost centers to a CSV file

Export Roles

Export all roles to a CSV file

Data that is exported encrypted is marked with the prefix do_not_convert@@. When YSoft SafeQ Management Service imports data from a CSV file via Data Import, it looks for this prefix when it tries to decide whether the input value must be converted via the currently set conversion method or not.

Data Import

In the upper part of the Data Import page, there is the basic file structure for CSV files. In the bottom part, there is the CSV file character encoding and the path to the CSV file with the data to import.


CSV Character Encoding

The CSV file will be created according to the selected encoding listed below.




The data will be exported with UTF-8 encoding


The data will be exported with Windows-1250 encoding


The data will be exported with Windows-1252 encoding


The data will be exported with ISO-8859-1 encoding


The data will be exported with ISO-8859-2 encoding


An administrator can select another encoding type

CSV files format

  • Add/update/delete users – [100;add|del;username[,alias,...];name;surname;[card number, ...];cost center number;email;[home directory];[password]]

  • Add/update/delete users with PIN code – [100;add|del;username[,alias,...];name;surname;[PIN%pin_code%,...];cost center number;email;[home directory];[password]]

  • Add/delete card numbers – [200;add|del|clear;username[;card number]]

  • Add/delete PINs – [200;add|del|clear;username[;PIN%pin_code%]]

  • Add/update/delete cost centers – [300;add|del;cost center number[;cost center name]]

  • Add/update/delete roles – [400;add|del;role name[;role description]]

  • Set email address for user – [201;username;email address]

  • Set cost center for user – [202;username;cost center number]

Data that is exported encrypted (for example, PIN codes or passwords) are marked with the prefix do_not_convert@@. When YSoft SafeQ imports data from a CSV file, it looks for this prefix when it tries to decide whether the input value must be converted via the currently set conversion method or not.

The CSV separator used for separating columns is a configurable value located in System > Reports > Primary separator in files for export/import, the default is semicolon ';'.

The CSV separator used for separating multiple values within one column is a configurable value located in System > Reports > Secondary separator in files for export/import , the default is comma ','.

Additional Rules and Limitations

Add/update/delete users

  • If a user with a given username already exists, the user record will be overridden.

  • Aliases and card numbers can only be added but not changed or removed.

  • The username, name, surname and cost center fields must not be empty.

  • The email must be a valid email address.

CSV files examples

  • 300;add;5;Communication

  • 300;add;7;Enterprise and Industry

  • 100;add;villevirtanen;Ville;Virtanen;PIN5555;5;;;4MV0b

  • 100;add;jeandupont;Jean;Dupont;268742;7;;\\share\users\jeandupont;B27Kf

  • 200;add;villevirtanen;268743

  • 200;add;jeandupont;PIN7777

  • 200;add;johndoe;do_not_convert@@PINb59c67bf196a4758191e42f76670ceba

  • 400;add;marketing

  • 400;add;human resources;All the employees from Human Resources department

  • 400;del;sales