Configuring Ricoh SOP - Terminal Server CA installation

Note that this prompt will appear only if certificate has not been installed before and SSL communication is enabled.

If Terminal Server communicates with the SOP application over SSL/TLS, then CA certificate of Terminal Server must be installed into SOP application.

In case you have problems with SSL/TLS communication, it can be switched off entirely. This is, however, not recommended in a production environment.

To switch off the SSL/TLS, change the YSoft SafeQ configuration property dsSslEnabled to 'false'. This option is enabled by default.

During terminal installation Terminal Server pushes its root certificate into the SOP application. However, it is not installed automatically. Administrator needs to confirm installation manually on MFD. SOP will display following prompt:



Administrator needs to confirm certificate installation. The certificate name is set by default as a Common Name (CN) of the CA certificate, but it can be changed arbitrarily. If Administrator does not confirm certificate installation then the SOP application will display warning to users about invalid certificate (unless the certificate is signed with publicly trusted CA).

Note that this will not work if Terminal Server uses self-signed certificate. This automatic procedure installs CA certificate which is used to sign Terminal Server certificate.

You can repeatedly launch this prompt by reinstalling terminal in the management interface (eg. if CA used for signing Terminal Server certificate is changed).