Configuring Ricoh SOP - Recommended configuration

Management configuration options

Following configuration options in management interface, related to communication timeouts, might need some adjustments, depending on device reboot speed during installation process.

All of the following configuration options are Expert level under the "Terminal administration" category.

  • tsCommunicationTimeoutSeconds - Request timeout for communications between Terminal Server and SPOC - installation of embedded terminal is one of the communications and this timeout combined with the "tsCommunicationRetriesCount" affect how long can single installation of embedded terminal lasts before termination. The value of this configuration option is in seconds.

    Suggested value: 360

  • tsCommunicationRetriesCount - Most communications between Terminal Server and SPOC are automatically retried when the communication timeouts or the communication could not be established. This count shows how many times should the communication be retried.

    Suggested value: 5

Final maximum installation duration is tsCommunicationTimeoutSeconds * (tsCommunicationRetriesCount + 1). If this duration is exceeded the installation will result in failure.

  • maxEmbeddedInstallationStatusAge - Maximum duration for single installation step during embedded terminal installation process. This timeout is completely unrelated to the timeouts above, if this time is exceeded the installation process might not properly terminate in the management UI and get stuck in change in progress. In background the installation process is properly terminated and will not continue. Default value of this timeout is "5m", but because of the multiple device reboots required during installation it might be required to increase this value to "10m".

    Suggested value: 20m

Configuring MFD to print with watermarks in Rule Base Engine

  1. Go to the Ricoh MFD web interface (Web Image Monitor)

  2. Login as the Machine Administrator

  3. Go to Configuration > Printer > Basic Settings

  4. Change Host Interface > I/O Buffer to 256 KB

WARNING: RBE Watermark feature is only supported on PS printers.

Recommended configuration of shared Windows printer used for secure and direct print queue

When you are configuring shared printer for secure print, follow the the recommendations bellow to increase performance of the driver installed in environment when it is used for printing on printers with a different feature configuration. The same recommendations can be applied for direct print as well since there is no direct access between the driver and the printer and feature configuration has to be selected manually.

  • Printer properties - Accessories are configured to support all possible features (Punch unit, Finisher, etc.)

  • Printer properties - Accessories - Disable automatically update printer Information

  • Printer properties - Ports - Disable bidirectional settings

  • Printer properties - Ports - Enable printer pooling to remove Windows print job spooling bottleneck

Print & Delete Scanner records

If other settings are used, based on customer preference, and this records log are fully filled, scanning will not be possible, until the records are printed on the machine

  1. Login to WIM (Web Image Monitor) as machine administrator.

  2. Navigate through Device ManagementConfiguration Scanner General Settings

  3. Change Print & Delete Scanner Records to Do not Print: Delete Oldest

  4. Confirm the change by OK button.

Enabling Machine administrator login

  1. Go to the Ricoh MFD web interface (Web Image Monitor).

  2. Login as an administrator.

  3. Under Device Management > Configuration

    1. In Administrator Authentication Management set Machine Administrator Authentication to On.
