YSoft SafeQ Spooler Controller Health Check

Basic Health Checks

This document is intended to help an administrator check the status of YSoft SafeQ Spooler Controller components.

YSoft SafeQ Services

Check that all product services are running on YSoft SafeQ Site Server

  • YSoft SafeQ Terminal Server

  • YSoft SafeQ Spooler Controller Group Service

    The YSoft SafeQ Spooler Controller Group service will start itself and will be running only on YSoft SafeQ Spooler Controller servers that are members of Spooler Controller Group, do not start it manually.

  • YSoft SafeQ Spooler Controller

  • YSoft SafeQ End User Interface

  • YSoft SafeQ Infrastructure Service Proxy

  • and others...

YSoft SafeQ Spooler Controller connection status on YSoft SafeQ Management Server

Check that YSoft SafeQ Spooler Controller server is successfully connected to all YSoft SafeQ Management Servers and that all services are reporting an Online status. This can be done on the YSoft SafeQ management interface. Go to Devices > Spooler Controller groups and check the Status column.

YSoft SafeQ Spooler Controller data replication to YSoft SafeQ Management Server

Verify that the YSoft SafeQ Spooler Controller server is replicating its data to YSoft SafeQ Management Server(s).

How to test:

  • Send a print job to YSoft SafeQ 6 and check that job is visible in Reports > Job list on YSoft SafeQ management interface with the status Accepted (please note that data is synchronized once per minute by default).

  • Release the job sent in the previous step on any of the devices connected to YSoft SafeQ 6 and check whether Job List on YSoft SafeQ Management Server is updated (e.g., the print job has the status Printed and Detailed job information contains Job history with several rows, a delay may occur).

  • Check that Reports > Terminal access is updated on the web interface of YSoft SafeQ Management Server after releasing the job from the previous step.