YSoft SafeQ 6 Release Notes - Build 65

Fixes and Improvements

Terminals, User Interfaces

Error message is correctly displayed on the user interface when more than 14 characters are entered in the price list screen. (SBT-3512)

Only a visible name can be entered and displayed when adding a connector in scan workflows. (SBT-3508)

Full Japanese translation is displayed within the cost center help message. (SBT-3499)

When using scanning workflows on all embedded terminal Gen1 an increased row size for scan options label allows for details to be correctly displayed. (SBT-3451)

Translations are correctly displayed for scan size on the terminal. (SBT-3445)

Within Web UI the description of all buttons is correctly displayed and not blocked by the scroll bar. (SBT-3435)

In Scan workflows the Japanese translation of the {reorder} button is correct displayed. (SBT-3433)

When logging into the "My Scan workflows" screen the names of all the options displayed on the device panel are the same as in the management. (SBT-3430)

The button name in Kiosk mode is clearly translated. (SBT-3429)

During installation of the Ricoh SOP terminal, if multiple package versions are present a clear warning message will be displayed. (SBT-3427)

In the Detailed Scan workflow screen, when the workflow description is set above 300 and saved, a warning state appears, then when switching the language, no error is displayed. (SBT-3404)

The scanning workflow application on the Ricoh SOP terminal no longer gets stuck loading after several minutes of inactivity. (SBT-3367)

When initiating a scan in FujiXerox Gen1 terminal we have corrected the rendering order of the function which prevented the scan initialization. In addition, we have modified the way in which the required parameters are being validated in all vendors. (SBT-3361)

On the Ricoh SOP terminal once the scan process has been completed a ‘scan done’ message appears and not a ‘scan in-progress’ message. (SBT-3350)

In the scan workflow, when we set 'Konica Minolta Advanced scan settings ' and 'User input fields' at the same time, Advanced scan will be correctly displayed on the device panel. (SBT-3337)

In the FujiXerox XCP 2nd. Gen YSoft SafeQ application any user selections to navigate around the terminal will be followed and no steps ignored (SBT-3318)

In the FujiFilm BI YSoft SafeQ Application any user selections to navigate around the terminal will be followed and no steps ignored. (SBT-3317)

Missing Portuguese translations have now been corrected on selected Konica Minolta Native interface screens. (SBT-3279)

The card swipe animation moves to allow text to be viewed on the Epson terminal. (SBT-3672)

Installation and Administration

Default cost center is assigned to a newly created user. (SBT-3519)

Vulnerability in LOG4J v2 is migitaged by updating to the newest version of the logging library. (SBT-3496)

Management Service, Spooler Controller and other services are no longer vulnerable as mitigation took place by updating to the newest version of the logging library. (SBT-3482)

IPP gateway health checks are successful on OMNI. (SBT-3455)

PG monitoring script successfully runs when the database is in languages other than English. (SBT-3453)

Deliver a job having sheets JSON data larger than 4,000 characters into YSoft SafeQ successfully. (SBT-3449)

When setting up a scan workflow connector the path names will remain in English even when another language option is selected. (SBT-3447)

Vulnerabilities to XML external entities have been mitigated. (SBT-3446)

When selecting to export a CSV file the user can select the option of ‘Other’ and successfully receive the file. (SBT-3442)

MIG service leaking memory during the process of printing large files has been resolved. (SBT-3441)

When trying to assign a card to a user that does not exist during CSV import, a correct error message will be displayed. (SBT-3437)

When enabling delivery restrictions in the scan workflows the file size reported in the notification e-mail is the same as what has been configured in the connector. (SBT-3431)

When we add/edit a device and set "Allow public user" as ON then information will be correctly displayed. (SBT-3424)

The user can log in with SSO when Keycloak access is made available during Management Service start-up. (SBT-3420)

Restriction notification e-mail has valid default value for body in Simplified Chinese. (SBT-3408)

Quota reservations can be managed in the Payment system. (SBT-3386)

Print jobs can be submitted with OMNI bridge with accurate performance measurements delivered. (SBT-3375)

The administrator is correctly informed about available versions of SmartSDK on the device during installation of the Ricoh SOP terminal. (SBT-3372)

When making copies of non-standard paper sizes the copies will be captured and accounted for correctly within reports. (SBT-3305)

Uninstall is correctly clearing registry node allowing for new installation. (SBT-3291)

Search bar can identify users and billing codes with an underscore in ‘Shared queues’ and ‘User Tags’. (SBT-3231)

Search bar can identify users and billing codes with an underscore and percent sign in ‘Shared queues’ and ‘User Tags’. (SBT-3228)

A user cannot import XML scan workflows ‘User Input fields’ without the required fields being complete. (SBT-3219)

An administrator can export a CSV file as ‘Other’ without an error occurring. (SBT-3091)

When Russian language is selected the LPR port number is correctly displayed. (SBT-3016)

In the Management interface dashboard, when you remove a widget and add it back again, the footer will be correctly displayed. (SBT-2989)

An administrator can delete a user with changed access rights. (SBT-2963)

Added paging and scrolling for the back button on user/job edit page. (SBT-2959)

Added right margin to the tooltip on Job list page. (SBT-2758)

Multiple Job Services running behind a load balancer can now be configured so that their TLS certificates can be issued for hostnames instead of IP addresses (SBT-2740)

Scanned jobs on the Ricoh G2.5 terminal are accounted under the user who performed the scan action. (SBT-2357)

Ricoh SOP servlets correctly start after a re-boot on very old models. (SBT-2124)

Early Access Program

Excessive logging done by Job Service and Client v3. has been improved leading to better troubleshooting. (SBT-3255)

YSoft SafeQ Client v3 is under the Early Access Program (YSQL6-049-0000; YSoft SAFEQ Client v3; F_NEW_SQ6_CLIENT); see details about the program in Early Access Program. Client application use needs to be validated by a Y Soft Solution Consultant.

Other included change codes

SQC-6474 , SQC-6467, SQC-6466, SQC-6465, SQC-6452, SQC-6451, SQC-6450, SQC-6445, SQC-6443, SQC-6436, SQC-6414, SQC-6403, SQC-6402, SQC-6401, SQC-6335, SQC-6334, SQC-6333, SQC-6326, SQC-6322, SQC-6319, SQC-6318, SQC-6305, SQC-6301, SQC-6280, SQC-6275, SQC-6269, SQC-6219, SQC-6207, SQC-6206, SQC-6203, SQC-6198, SQC-6186, SQC-6169, SQC-6068, SQC-5331, SBT-3490, SBT-3488, SBT-3480, SBT-3461, SBT-3452, SBT-3440, SBT-3439, SBT-3438, SBT-3413, SBT-3410, SBT-3312, SBT-3090, SBT-3078, SBT-2958, SBT-2938, SBT-2107,

Product extensions (or customizations)

Customers who use YSoft SafeQ extensions or customizations should contact their Y Soft RSM or Customer Support Services for compatibility verification with the new Build. We recommend testing all extensions before applying a Build update into a production environment.

You can find additional information on Partner Portal: https://portal.ysoft.com/products/ysoft-safeq/extension-store/print-job-extension

(SWC-73: My savings data) SWC-73 uses the log4j library which has a known vulnerability however this has been fixed in version 1.5. ( GSS-4597)

(SWC-49: Web interface for delegated print queue management) The user is no longer deleted from both the shared queue and database together. ( GSS-4558)

(SWC-135: Payment provider for Polyright) Connection to database will be recovered after it has been lost due to database server re-start or another event. (GSS-4486)

(SWC-73: My savings data) My savings data will work in combination with MSSQL. (GSS-4276)

(SWC-2: Credentials generator) Regardless of the Cost Center assignment, if the pin_send_existing flag is set – the user will receive an email containing their current PIN. (GSS-4105)