YSoft SafeQ 6 - Release Notes Build 47

Limited Device List Extended

The list of devices supported under Print Management Suite LD has been extended. All the supported devices can be found on the Hardware Compatibility List (HCL).

Newly added devices under this license model are: (SQC-2289)

  • Konica Minolta bizhub C3350i

  • Konica Minolta bizhub C3320i

  • Konica Minolta bizhub 4052

  • Xerox VersaLink C505

  • Xerox VersaLink B600

Fixes and Improvements

Installation and Administration

A correct port number is displayed for an external PostgreSQL database in installer error messages. (SBT-1257)

An uninstall procedure removes all components of the print management solution. (SBT-818)

The fail over complementary script for PostgreSQL triggers the fail over only when the main server goes down. (SBT-1263)

Device detail on management interface has better word wrap for a large number of characters used in the "Location or description" field. (SBT-288)

PIN code number logging aligned with sensitive data logging standard. (SBT-1331)

Certificate validation can be optionally disabled for scanning workflow connections with an email server. Certificate revocation check is disabled by default and can be optionally enabled. (SBT-1312)

Management interface validation and error messages were added on the scanning workflows edit page. (SBT-1321)

Information stating "it is not possible to use an already existing entitlement" is displayed to an administrator on the Payment System Administration web interface when the entitlement was already stored. (SBT-1314)

The end user interface now correctly translates the delete button in all supported languages. (SBT-1325)

A SMTP password is no longer logged in an obfuscated form in the Mobile Print Server log file. The security of the password was increased by replacing the obfuscated password with a set of asterisks symbols. (SBT-1378)

New firmware (version 2.5.2) for YSoft USB Card Reader 3 contains the following:

  • Fix for a critical bug on the MFX card reader where ISO15693 cards were read in the wrong byte order

  • Fix in the processing of some HID Elite configuration cards on MFX card readers

  • Fix in the processing of some Hitag 2 key fobs on MFX card readers

  • It is now possible to format blank Mifare DESFire EV1/EV2 8K cards as YSoft Configuration Cards on the MFX card reader

  • Some minor LF and HF technology fixes on the MFX card reader

  • Card removal notification (a.k.a Continous mode) is no longer configured as the default behavior on USB SmartCard readers

  • Protocols 1220 and 1222 on MF&Legic card readers were renumbered to 1320 and 1322 to reflect a difference in the protocol name compared to other readers. Original protocols will remain present as hidden protocols so there is no need to reconfigure card readers in the field

  • The "update_to_2.5.2.bat" script does not update the service firmware if the correct version is already installed to reduce risk of bricking the card reader

  • "usbrdrtool.exe" now has a -d command line option to reset to defaults, which is suitable for batch script processing


In rare cases when Epson devices were in a secure mode, it was not possible to install an embedded terminal. This was resolved and installation ends with success. (SBT-1442)

Konica Minolta Native terminal now has instruction aligned hardware button names. (SBT-1141)

A new option, "Blank page removal", in the " Konica Minolta Advanced scan settings " section for scan workflows was added. This configuration has three options: "Not specified", "Enabled" and "Disabled". It can be adjusted by an end user on the 2nd Gen. Embedded Terminal for Konica Minolta. (SBT-1305)

3D Print Management Solution

The terminal application on an eDee device provides information about failed communication with a mail server. (EDEE-2175)

The service menu network configuration dialogue is validated against a broken DHCP response or network connection outage. (EDEE-2068)

Long error messages no longer cause unnecessary input elements wrapping in Czech, Slovak and Dutch languages. (EDEE-2052)

Print head fan operation is restored after a filament replacement procedure is performed during a print. (EDEE-2140)

The calibration screen newly informs about the calibration process. (EDEE-2141)


Documentation of various advanced backup and recovery scenarios were extended, see "Backup of Databases" and "Recovering databases" articles with new structure and content. (SQC-2339, SQC-2338, SQC-2337)

Documentation article "Credit handling on Sharp" was extended with better descriptions of existing limitations. (SBT-1375)

Product extensions (formerly known as customizations)

Customers who use YSoft SafeQ extensions should contact their Y Soft RSM or Customer Support Services for compatibility verification with the new Build. We recommend testing all extensions before applying a Build update into a production environment.

You can find additional information on Partner Portal: https://portal.ysoft.com/products/ysoft-safeq/extensions-store

No changes.