Workflow Processing System deployment

YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System installer

To install YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System (Workflow Processing System), use the Workflow Processing System installer. By default the installer installs YSoft SafeQ ORS in the c:\SafeQ6\WPS folder.

For the correct system settings, see YSoft SafeQ Site Server pre-installation check list.

It is expected that YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System is installed on the same server as Spooler Controller it is referring to.

YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System + YSoft SafeQ OCR installer

Installer installs YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System together with ABBYY FineReader Engine. It installs YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System to the c:\SafeQ6\WPS folder and OCR engine to the c:\SafeQ6\OCR-Engine folder.

The maximum number of CPU cores utilized by the ABBYY FineReader Engine on a single host is controlled by the ocrPoolSize and ocrProcessesPerJob system settings.

Silent installation

Silent installation can be run by <installer-name>.exe /S [/D=<target-folder>].

com.ysoft.safeq.wps.wps-installer- /S /D=C:\Program Files\Wps

The /D option should be the last parameter and can't contain quotation marks. Target folder is the folder where YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System will be installed.

In case of YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System + YSoft SafeQ OCR installation OCR engine is installed to the ABBYY-FineReader-Engine folder in YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System parent folder (same folder level as YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System).

In case of YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System + YSoft SafeQ OCR installation ABBYY FineReader Engine installer exit code is logged in WPS-install.log.

Upgrading YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System

When running new installer on computer where YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System is already installed, installer ignores silent installation /D parameter and installs new YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System version to the same directory as for previous installation.

YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System overwrites configuration files (e.g. chapter Logging configuration) except for the WpsService.exe.config file.

Installer does not overwrite the previous local configuration file (WpsService.exe.config), if present. In this case, the old and new application settings will be merged. All configuration items in the new configuration file will be preserved, old items will be added if not found, and the old values will override the default values if they differ.

YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System uninstallation

Run uninstallation from OS uninstallation dialog or run uninstall.exe from YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System installation folder.

Silent uninstallation can be run with /S parameter

Silent uninstallation
C:\SafeQ6\Wps\uninstall.exe /S

Configuring YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System

Workflow Processing System is mainly configured using YSoft SafeQ management interface but there are several configuration items provided by Wps.Service.exe.config in appSettings section.

  • name - Normally there is only one instance of YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System running across Spooler Controller group. If several YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System services are necessary, you must configure unique name for each one using this configuration.

  • servicePort - port number used by YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System rest service endpoint. Default value is 5600.

  • spoolerControllerEndpoint - Typically YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System service is installed on the same machine as the spooler controller service. If YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System is running on a different machine, configure spooler controller endpoint address to the address of this machine. It should be a URI in the form of tcp://<address>:<port>. If YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System runs on a different server, you have to configure workflow storage in the YSoft SafeQ management interface.

  • parameterProhibitedCharacters - Configuration contains characters that can't be used in scanned document file names. Such characters are replaced with character configured in parameterProhibitedCharacterReplacement configuration. Default value is /\<>:"|?*~#%{}&.

  • parameterProhibitedCharacterReplacement - Character used for replacement of prohibited characters configured by parameterProhibitedCharacters configuration. Default value is -.

  • exchangeTrace - In case of using MS Exchange connector there can be sometimes difficult to identify problems to configure MS Exchange connection. Set this configuration to true to switch exchange trace log on. All exchange tracing information will be placed to wps.log file.

  • validateMailServerCertificate - Controls server certificate validation for Email connector, set it to false to disable the server certificate validation. Default value is true (the validation is enabled).

  • checkMailServerCertificateRevocation - Enables or disables checking of revoked certificates during communication with email server. Set this to true to enable the checking. Default value is false (checking is disabled).

Security warning

Disabling certificate validation could allow an active network attacker to steal SMTP credentials and scanned data. For this reason, keeping validateMailServerCertificate option on true is highly recommended for production environments. For increased security, certificate revocation checks can be enabled by checkMailServerCertificateRevocation property. Note that reliable connection between the YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System instance and revocation servers (of certificate authority for the mail server configured) is required in this case.

Configuring scan storage

If you want to run YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System on a different server that SPOC, you have to configure the workflow data store which is accessible by both YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System and Terminal Server (Spooler Controller). You can do that via setting following properties either in YSoft SafeQ management interface or in service local configuration (local configuration takes precedence before remote configuration if set):

  • workflowStorageType - type of network storage, can be local or remote for a network shared folder. Default: local

  • worfklowStorageRoot - path to scan data root folder, according to workflowStorageType either relative path to YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System service or UNC path. Default: C:\SafeQ6\SPOC\terminalserver\scan

  • workflowRemoteStorageUsername - username used to access remote scan storage.

  • workflowRemoteStoragePassword - encrypted password used to access remote scan storage.

See Configuring Document Store for details.

Dropbox Business configuration

When using Dropbox Business, it is necessary to have access to the internet from the server running the YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System. A proxy can be used in case a server doesn't have direct access to the Internet. See Edit Connector, section Dropbox Business/Enterprise.

Logging configuration

YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System uses NLog platform for logging functionality. By default the configuration is provided by standalone configuration file NLog.config. That file should be also configured in Wps.Service.exe.config in nlog section using include statement. Logging is configured to daily create new wps.config file in logs subfolder of YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System installation folder. When specific logging should be set look at NLog wiki for specification and examples.

Troubleshooting YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System installation

Error During Installation: "Installation of Visual C++ Redistributable failed"

YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System requires the "Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015" package to be installed in order for "Highlighter Extraction" and "Highlighter Redaction" processing steps to function correctly.

In case you see the following error during installation of the YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System service: "Installation of Visual C++ Redistributable failed. Please consult YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System installer documentation in the YSoft SafeQ 6 Administrative Guide":

  1. Ensure the KB3118401 Windows Update ( is installed on your operating system

  2. Re-install YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System using the YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System installer

Alternative fix if the above fails:

  1. Download and install the latest version of Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Update 3 (, known to work with version 14.0.24215.1).

  2. Restart the server.

  3. Re-install YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System using the YSoft SafeQ Workflow Processing System installer.