Using the YSoft SafeQ End User Interface


This chapter describes how to use the YSoft SafeQ end user interface.

The YSoft SafeQ end user interface is a web interface for end users, allowing them to manage their YSoft SafeQ 6 accounts. The YSoft SafeQ end user interface has been developed for the YSoft SafeQ 6 suite and replaces the end-user targeted interfaces from YSoft SafeQ 5. Users do not have to use several separate interfaces with a different look and feel anymore. The YSoft SafeQ end user interface is simple to use, responsive (adapts to different screen sizes (widths), looks good on both desktop PCs and mobile devices), and receives necessary data and configuration from other YSoft SafeQ systems.

Logging In

Only users with an existing account in YSoft SafeQ 6 can log into the YSoft SafeQ end user interface using their username and password.

Enter a username and password on the YSoft SafeQ end user interface login screen. If credentials are verified, and if the process is successful, the user is logged into the application.

  1. Go to the URL of the YSoft SafeQ end user interface. The default URL is https://<server-ip-address>:9443/end-user/ui

  2. Enter the credentials for the YSoft SafeQ 6 user account

  3. Click Login.


Single Sign-On

If Single Sign-On is enabled in YSoft SafeQ 6, users will be logged into the YSoft SafeQ end user interface automatically. Windows Integrated Authentication, SAML v2 and OpenID Connect is supported. Read more about how to use Single Sign-On here.

User Profile

The user profile is displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the YSoft SafeQ end user interface after a successful login.


The user profile contains information about the user's name and surname, username, personal balance, virtual balance, a flag symbolizing the selected language, a link to recharge credit, and logout.



Name, surname, and username

The full name and username of a logged user

Personal balance and virtual balance

Personal balance and virtual balance are displayed only if the YSoft SafeQ Payment System is enabled and if the logged-in user has payment entitlement.

Personal balance is displayed in gray. When a user recharges the credit on their account via the YSoft SafeQ end user interface, the personal balance increases.

Virtual balance is displayed in green as a "Bonus". A virtual balance represents a customer's bonus or free credit. It can be provided by a periodic recharge, a manual increase, or by setting an initial account balance.

Flag symbolizing the selected language

The language of the YSoft SafeQ end user interface can be changed by clicking the flag in the upper right-hand corner and choosing the selected language.

Recharge credit

The Recharge credit link leads to the Recharge credit page.

Note: this button is only visible when a logged-in user has Payment entitlement.


The Logout button logs the user out of the YSoft SafeQ end user interface. The user is redirected to the login screen.


The dashboard displays widgets, such as My recent jobs, My deposit, Budget, and Quotas.



My recent jobs


The My recent jobs widget displays a list of jobs ready to print (Waiting) and printed jobs (Printed). Jobs can be uploaded, for example, via the menu item Upload job in the YSoft SafeQ end user interface.

A user can display more information about a job by clicking theimages/download/thumbnails/160476500/i.PNG symbol.

This widget is editable. By clicking the Edit button, the user can delete previously uploaded jobs.

My deposit

This widget is only visible to users with Payment entitlement and without a shared subject account.


My deposit widget displays a list of transactions, such as deposit, withdrawal, voucher redemption, or transaction settlement.

By clicking the Show more button, a user can view a history of transactions.

By clicking Recharge, a user can recharge credit.


This widget is only visible to users with Quota entitlement.


The Quotas widget displays information about a user's remaining quota and its reset date.

The reset date is displayed by hovering the mouse over the remaining quota bar.

If the reset dates for all quotas are the same, it is also shown below the title.

The widget also displays a list of the last quota transactions.


This widget is only visible to users with Payment entitlement and a shared subject account.


The Budget widget displays a list of recent transactions and the date of the next periodic recharge (if any).

Upload Job

The menu item Upload job is visible only when YSoft SafeQ Mobile Print is installed and enabled by an administrator.

The menu item Upload job is developed for the quick and convenient uploading of a user's print jobs.

  1. Click the Select files button or drag and drop to add a print job.

  2. Files from a user's computer can be selected in two ways:

    • Click Select files, select the required print jobs and click Open.

    • Drag and drop the files to be printed.

  3. Print jobs are ready to be uploaded. Print job can be left as they are or managed by selecting the relevant checkbox:

    • Black and white (a job will be printed in black and white).

    • Duplex (allows printing on both sides of a sheet of paper).


  4. To delete a job, hover the mouse over the print job and click the revealed images/download/thumbnails/160476500/Image_36.png symbol.

  5. Click the Upload button.

  6. Jobs are successfully uploaded and ready for printing.

  7. All jobs ready for printing are visible in the My recent jobs widget on the Dashboard.

    When uploading a print job via the menu item Upload job in the YSoft SafeQ end user interface, the user has to wait a few seconds for the print job to be processed—this usually does not take longer than 10 seconds. The print job then appears in the Waiting section of this widget.


The Payment menu item is visible only when the YSoft SafeQ Payment System is installed and enabled by an administrator. The user's account also needs to have Payment entitlement settings.

Account Details

The Account details tab contains data related to a user's payment account. The records are displayed in a tab and can be filtered by operation type, date from, date to, amount from, and amount to.


Transaction Filter

The transaction filter filters transaction records. Filtered fields can be combined—when more fields are chosen, the results will be more restricted.



Operation type

Restricts results to the selected operation type (for example, Cash desk deposit, Cash desk withdrawal, Voucher redemption, Deposit via Payment gateway, Balance decrease, etc.)

Date from

Restricts results to records after the selected date (the timestamp used is the start of the selected date—00:00)

Date to

Restricts results to records before the selected date (the timestamp used is the end of the selected date—23:59)

Amount from

Restricts the results to records with the amount >= given value

Amount to

Restricts the results to records with the amount <= given value

Search button

Submits the search query

Clear all button

Clears the form, but does not submit the search query

List of Transactions

This list shows the history of transactions on a user's account. Transactions are ordered by date, the newest records are displayed at the top of the tab. Every transaction contains date, payment type, and amount—some transactions also have a description.

Recharge Credit

The Recharge credit tab contains the Voucher and Electronic payment tabs (if configured and allowed by your administrator).


In this tab, a voucher can be redeemed. Enter the voucher code in the displayed field and click the Redeem your code button.

images/s/-t6brkm/8803/3fowtp/_/images/icons/emoticons/check.svg If the voucher code is valid, the balance increases. The transaction can be viewed in the tab Account details.

images/s/-t6brkm/8803/3fowtp/_/images/icons/emoticons/error.svg If the voucher is invalid (expired, already redeemed, etc.), the balance does not increase, and a validation message is displayed.


Electronic Payment

The Electronic payment tab is only visible when at least one Payment gateway for the YSoft SafeQ Payment System is configured, and the YSoft SafeQ Payment System is installed and enabled by an administrator.

Via the Electronic payment tab, a user's account can recharged via the selected payment gateway.




Accept and pay/


The button redirects to the selected payment gateway. The button is enabled only if an amount is filled in, it meets all validations, and a payment gateway has been selected.

ACCEPT AND PAY is displayed when terms and conditions need to be accepted.

PAY is displayed when terms and conditions do not need to be accepted.


Enter an amount to recharge via the selected payment gateway into the Amount field.

  • This field is required and needs to be more than 1.

  • If a minimum deposited amount is defined by an administrator for a selected payment gateway, the deposited amount has to be equal to or higher than the minimum deposited amount.

List of payment gateways

A list of all enabled payment gateways. At least one of them has to be selected to proceed.

Terms and conditions

If terms and conditions need to be accepted, a link to the terms and conditions is displayed next to the ACCEPT AND PAY button.

Depositing Money via DIBS

  1. Go to the menu item Payment and click Recharge credit. The Electronic payment tab is displayed and you can see at least one payment gateway.

    Depending on the country, the user may be required to confirm the terms and conditions. To display and get familiar with the terms and conditions, click the conditions link next to the ACCEPT AND PAY button.


  2. Enter the required Amount, choose the DIBS payment gateway, and click the Accept and pay button. If there are no terms and conditions to accept, click the Accept button.

  3. The user will be redirected to the DIBS portal page.

  4. Fill in all the mandatory fields about the card and click the Validate payment button. The user should be redirected to the DIBS's payment result page.

  5. Click the Next button.

  6. The user is redirected to the YSoft SafeQ end user interface. A validation message about the recharge is displayed, and the balance on the user's account increases by the given amount.


Deposit Money via PayPal

  1. Go to the menu item Payment and click Recharge credit. The Electronic payment tab is displayed, and at least one payment gateway is shown.

    Depending on the country, the user may be required to confirm terms and conditions. To display and get familiar with terms and conditions, click the conditions link next to the Accept and pay button.


  2. Enter the required Amount, choose the PayPal payment gateway, and click the ACCEPT AND PAY button. If there are no terms and conditions to accept, click the Accept button.

  3. The user should be redirected to the PayPal portal page.

  4. Enter the Email and Password of the PayPal account and click Log In.

  5. Check the information on the screen and click the Continue button.

  6. The user will be redirected to the YSoft SafeQ end user interface. A validation message about the recharge is displayed and the balance on the user's account increases by the given amount.


Account Connection

The Account connection menu is only visible when the YSoft SafeQ Payment System with an external payment system provider requires user authorization in order to access external account data (for example, PayEx).

The menu Account connection allows access to a user's external payment system provider's account. This is necessary for using YSoft SafeQ Payment System features.

The activation process has two parts. Enter an activation email and then an activation code.

  1. Enter the activation email used by the external payment system provider. An activation code will be sent to this email.


  2. Enter the activation code and click Activate.

    If the activation code has not been received, use the Resend code link.


  3. After authorization, the result screen of the PayEx activation will be shown. Optionally, the Disconnect account can be used.


Related Documentation

Configuring YSoft SafeQ end user interface (Installation and configuration of the YSoft SafeQ end user interface for administrators)

YSoft SafeQ Payment System administration