Updating Client Components

The update can be performed using the new version of the YSoft SafeQ client installer. You can use either the GUI wizard or a silent (unattended) installation.

The minimum version to the upgrade is defined by each new version (e.g., in version, upgrading from version 5.8.x.x is not supported, the minimum version is ""). The FlexiSpooler version must be the same version as Spooler Controller version.

Performing a GUI Wizard Update

When running the installer, it will detect the last installed version during the preinstallation check. You can continue the update using the latest version installer. All configurations stay the same and will not be changed by the update. The update will not affect print jobs that have already been sent.


Performing a Silent (Unattended) Update

Please make sure that the current valid certificates are installed in the Windows environment before performing a silent installation/update.

  • VeriSign Universal Root Certification Authority(vsign-universal-root.cer) and Thawte Primary Root CA (thawte-root.cer) for troubleshooting trust errors (for more information see Installing Security Certificates section Troubleshooting trust errors).

  • Thawte SHA256 Code Signing CA (thawte-codesigningCA.cer)

  • Y Soft Corporation, a.s. codesigning CA (ysoft-codesigning.cer) for automated (silent) installation (for more information see Installing Security Certificates section Automated (Silent) Installation).

To run a silent installation of the client installer, run this command. Run it in the folder where you have downloaded ysq-client-install.exe

ysq-client-install.exe /S

After Updating

Installation log files are located in the YSoft SafeQ client components installation folder.

  • spooler-install.log – contains information about the YSoft SafeQ client components installation process.

As it starts, FlexiSpooler service (whether after restart, during installation or update) attempts to launch Desktop Interfaces for all the logged in users, see YSoft SafeQ FlexiSpooler Installation, section Automatic launching of Desktop Interfaces from FlexiSpooler service at start.