Troubleshooting UP Connector service

Installation problems

In case of problems during installation, it's recommended to check the install log. Default location is <install_dir> \UPConnector\logs\install.log

Service does not work properly

In case of problems with service, it's recommended to check the UP Connector log. Default location is <install_dir> \UPConnector\logs\upconnector.log

Updating or reinstalling the UP Connector

If you want to apply a new version of the UP Connector or reinstall the current one, it is recommended to uninstall the old version first and then install the new one. The default location of the uninstall script is <install_dir> \UPConnector\uninstall-win-service.cmd

Fresh install of the Universal Print Connector

To fully clean data from MS Universal Print that are used by YSoft SafeQ Universal Print Connector service, uninstall the service by uninstallation script and remove the folder C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\.universal-print with all the content. Then you can install it again.

Larger jobs fail to print

The UP Connector can fail to print larger jobs (approximately 35MB+) in specific circumstances. This problem depends on the system and network load, and timeout setting for IPP operations.

You can check if UP Connector logs contain the error "The delegate executed asynchronously through TimeoutPolicy did not complete within the timeout." to verify this is indeed a timeout problem.

It is recommended to increase the default timeout of 5 minutes to a bigger value in order to resolve these problems. To increase the default timeout you will need to:

  1. Open configuration file local.json in the UP Connector directory: <install_dir>\UPConnector\configuration\

  2. Add new configuration value. "UniversalPrintConnectorOptions": { "UPIppConnectionRetryTimeout": "00:10:00" }
    We recommend values between 5 and 30 minutes

    local.json example
    "ConnectorHubOptions": {
    "ConnectorHubUri": "",
    "TenantId": "<TenantGUID>",
    "ClientId": "<ClientGUID>"
    "JobDeliveryOptions": {
    "ForcePrintJobOperation": false
    "UniversalPrintConnectorOptions": {
    "UPIppConnectionRetryTimeout": "00:10:00"
  3. Restart YSoft SafeQ Universal Print Connector service

  4. Retry print operation

No print queue in MS Universal Print

If you don't see your new print queue in MS Universal Print please check for possible error messages in the log file <install_dir> \UPConnector\logs\install.log

This error "Registration failed. Fail reason - User is missing Printer Admin role." signifies that your account lacks MS "Printer Administrator" role.

To fix this situation:

  1. Add MS "Printer Administrator" role to your account.

  2. Delete file C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\.universal-print\tokenCache.enc.

  3. Restart SafeQ Universal Print Connector service.

  4. Open log file C:\SafeQ6\UPConnector\logs\upconnector.log.

  5. Find and use the device code and URL displayed in the log file to authorize the connector with the account that has the MS "Printer Administrator" role.

Your print queue should be registered in MS Universal Print.

Universal Printer Connector asks for device code authentication again due to the Conditional Access policy

There may be a case where you have already deployed UP Connector with default settings but your company has adopted a more strict security policy. To resolve this situation:

  1. Stop SafeQ Universal Print Connector service.

  2. Delete file C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\.universal-print\connectorState.json.

  3. Open file C:\SafeQ6\UPConnector\configuration\local.json. Add the following configuration:

    "UseFunctionsKey": true

    Final local.json should look like this:

    "ConnectorHubOptions": {
    "ConnectorHubUri": "",
    "TenantId": "organizations",
    "ClientId": "e5eedc46-ba66-44f3-9144-060c86eb5c5e",
    "Scopes": [
    "UseFunctionsKey": true
    "JobDeliveryOptions": {
    "ForcePrintJobOperation": false
  4. Save changes and close the file.

  5. Restart SafeQ Universal Print Connector service.

  6. Open log file C:\SafeQ6\UPConnector\logs\upconnector.log.

  7. Find and use the device code and URL displayed in the log file to register the connector in case this step is required and confirm it.

    To sign in, use a web browser to open the page and enter the code <XXXXXXXXX> to authenticate.
  8. Navigate to the URL for the Microsoft OAuth page: and paste there the code from the log above.

  9. Then you need to log in as a user with " Application Administrator " or higher. You can see more permissions in the prerequisites section.