The Recovery Procedure for a YSoft SafeQ Management Service Cluster Node - Standalone Installer

This page describes the recovery procedure for a single node of the Management Service cluster that was installed using ysq-management-server-install.exe package.

If the affected node is the one on which the YSoft SafeQ license was activated, enable license reactivation before transferring the license to a new server (e.g., when original hardware fails or when the OS is reinstalled).

We expect that an external database is being used – i.e., there is no local database on any cluster node.

This guide assumes that you have a backup of databases and a backup of configuration (and binary) files available.

You can use the installer to reinstall the affected node.

  1. Prepare a server (or a virtual machine) with the same hostname/IP the original Management Service node had used.

  2. Check the backup of the configuration files of the original Management Service node and note the following:

    1. Management Server GUID. It is noted in the file as the value of the communicator.cml.guid option. For example:

      communicator.cml.guid = MGMT2
  3. Reinstall the Management Service node using the same build installation package.

    1. Tick the I want to customize my YSoft SafeQ Management Server option.

    2. Choose the Add or replace a node in an existing YSoft SafeQ Management Server cluster option.

    3. Provide the network address of any other Management server in order to form a connection.

    4. Provide the Management Service configuration file taken from any other existing Management Service. Management servers share configuration like database backend.

    5. Optionally, provide the Infrastructure System configuration file taken from any other existing Infrastructure Service.

    6. Provide the wizard with the same Management Server GUID that was used before (see step 2.a.)

    7. Finish the installation.

      See Install the YSoft SafeQ Management Server for a detailed procedure.

    8. If the reinstalled node was the one on which the YSoft SafeQ license was originally activated, re-activate the YSoft SafeQ license using your preferred method (online/offline). See Management Interface - License Activation for detailed instructions.

    9. Restore the customized configuration:

      1. If you used a customized configuration (such as your own certificates for the web services), seek the relevant documentation and set up the configuration again.