Backing Up Configuration and Binary Files

The YSoft SafeQ solution consists of multiple components. Most of the configuration is stored in the database, which should be backed up regularly. However, for a complete backup, all configuration files or folders of a particular component need to be backed up to a safe location (e.g., network storage or backup tape).

Backing Up Configuration Files

To perform a configuration files backup, copy all files or folders in the Configuration files path column to a backup location. When copying, preserve the folder structure to avoid mixing up the configuration files.


Configuration files path

Management Service


Management Service


Management Service


Management Service


Management Service (if an embedded database is used)

\SafeQ6\Management\PGSQL-data\ *.conf

Spooler Controller


Spooler Controller


Spooler Controller


Spooler Controller


Spooler Controller


Spooler Controller






Workflow Processing System


Workflow Processing System: Scanning scripts*

<path to scanning scripts>

YSoft SafeQ Payment System


YSoft SafeQ Payment System (MU25 or older)


YSoft SafeQ Payment System (MU26 or later)


YSoft SafeQ Payment System (if an embedded database is used on SPOC)


Mobile Print


Mobile Print


Mobile Integration Gateway


Mobile Integration Gateway


*Scanning scripts can be used with Workflow Processing System. For more information, please check the Workflow Processing System documentation.

Backing Up Binary Files (optional)

Backing up binary files is optional in standard deployment scenarios. Backing up binary files is recommended only in the case of a product customization.


Binary files path

Management Service


Management Service


Management Service


Management Service


Management Service


Spooler Controller


Spooler Controller


Spooler Controller


Spooler Controller


Spooler Controller


Spooler Controller


Spooler Controller


Spooler Controller


The Backup Script for Collecting Configuration Files

Should you want to automate the YSoft SafeQ configuration files backup, you can use the following PowerShell script:

If you want to change the backup destination folder, modify the attribute backupfolder in the script accordingly.

Note that you should alter the script if you also want to back up Scanning scripts specific for your environment.

$backupfolder = $env:USERPROFILE + '\Desktop\YSQ_backup_' + (Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm-ss')
$path = Get-WmiObject Win32_Service `
| Where-Object Name -Like "YSoft*" `
| Select -ExpandProperty "PathName" `
| Foreach-Object {(-split $_)[0].Trim("`"") -replace "\\SafeQ6\\.*", "\SafeQ6\"} `
| Measure-Object -Minimum `
| Select -ExpandProperty "Minimum"
function createBackup($backupfolder) {
if (Test-Path $path"Management\conf") {
New-Item -Path $backupfolder"\Management\conf" -Type directory | Out-Null
Copy-Item $path"Management\conf\*" $backupfolder"\Management\conf\" -Recurse
if (Test-Path $path"Management\ims") {
New-Item -Path $backupfolder"\Management\ims" -Type directory | Out-Null
Copy-Item $path"Management\ims\" $backupfolder"\Management\ims\"
if (Test-Path $path"Management\tomcat\conf") {
New-Item -Path $backupfolder"\Management\tomcat\conf" -Type directory | Out-Null
Copy-Item $path"Management\tomcat\conf\*" $backupfolder"\Management\tomcat\conf\" -Recurse
if (Test-Path $path"Management\validator\conf") {
New-Item -Path $backupfolder"\Management\validator\conf" -Type directory | Out-Null
Copy-Item $path"Management\validator\conf\*" $backupfolder"\Management\validator\conf\" -Recurse
if (Test-Path $path"Management\PGSQL-data\") {
New-Item -Path $backupfolder"\Management\PGSQL-data\" -Type directory | Out-Null
Copy-Item $path"Management\PGSQL-data\*.conf" $backupfolder"\Management\PGSQL-data\" -Recurse
if (Test-Path $path"SPOC\bin") {
New-Item -Path $backupfolder"\SPOC\bin" -Type directory | Out-Null
Copy-Item $path"SPOC\bin\wrapper.conf" $backupfolder"\SPOC\bin\" -Recurse
if (Test-Path $path"SPOC\conf") {
New-Item -Path $backupfolder"\SPOC\conf" -Type directory | Out-Null
Copy-Item $path"SPOC\conf\*" $backupfolder"\SPOC\conf\" -Recurse
if (Test-Path $path"SPOC\distServer\config") {
New-Item -Path $backupfolder"\SPOC\distServer\config" -Type directory | Out-Null
Copy-Item $path"SPOC\distServer\config\distServer.conf" $backupfolder"\SPOC\distServer\config\" -Recurse
if (Test-Path $path"SPOC\EUI\conf") {
New-Item -Path $backupfolder"\SPOC\EUI\conf" -Type directory | Out-Null
Copy-Item $path"SPOC\EUI\conf\*" $backupfolder"\SPOC\EUI\conf\" -Recurse
if (Test-Path $path"SPOC\EUI\ui-conf") {
New-Item -Path $backupfolder"\SPOC\EUI\ui-conf" -Type directory | Out-Null
Copy-Item $path"SPOC\EUI\ui-conf\*" $backupfolder"\SPOC\EUI\ui-conf\" -Recurse
if (Test-Path $path"SPOC\terminalserver") {
New-Item -Path $backupfolder"\SPOC\terminalserver" -Type directory | Out-Null
Copy-Item $path"SPOC\terminalserver\*.config" $backupfolder"\SPOC\terminalserver\" -Recurse
if (Test-Path $path"FSP\Service") {
New-Item -Path $backupfolder"\FSP\Service" -Type directory | Out-Null
Copy-Item $path"FSP\Service\configuration.bin" $backupfolder"\FSP\Service\"
Copy-Item $path"FSP\Service\*.config" $backupfolder"\FSP\Service\" -Recurse
if (Test-Path $path"WPS") {
New-Item -Path $backupfolder"\WPS" -Type directory | Out-Null
Copy-Item $path"WPS\*.config" $backupfolder"\WPS\" -Recurse
if (Test-Path $path"YPS\conf") {
New-Item -Path $backupfolder"\YPS\conf" -Type directory | Out-Null
Copy-Item $path"YPS\conf\*" $backupfolder"\YPS\conf\" -Recurse
if (Test-Path $path"YPS\ysoft") {
New-Item -Path $backupfolder"\YPS\ysoft" -Type directory | Out-Null
Copy-Item $path"YPS\ysoft\*" $backupfolder"\YPS\ysoft\" -Recurse
if (Test-Path $path"YPS\ps-conf") {
New-Item -Path $backupfolder"\YPS\ps-conf" -Type directory | Out-Null
Copy-Item $path"YPS\ps-conf\*" $backupfolder"\YPS\ps-conf\" -Recurse
if (Test-Path $path"PGSQL-data") {
New-Item -Path $backupfolder"\PGSQL-data" -Type directory | Out-Null
Copy-Item $path"PGSQL-data\*.conf" $backupfolder"\PGSQL-data\" -Recurse
if (Test-Path $path"MPS\Service\conf") {
New-Item -Path $backupfolder"\MPS\Service\conf" -Type directory | Out-Null
Copy-Item $path"MPS\Service\conf\*" $backupfolder"\MPS\Service\conf\" -Recurse
Copy-Item $path"MPS\Service\*.config" $backupfolder"\MPS\Service\" -Recurse
if (Test-Path $path"MIG\bin\connector") {
New-Item -Path $backupfolder"\MIG\bin\connector" -Type directory | Out-Null
Copy-Item $path"MIG\bin\connector\ConnectorService.exe.config" $backupfolder"\MIG\bin\connector" -Recurse
Copy-Item $path"MIG\bin\connector\services\MdnsService.xml" $backupfolder"\MIG\bin\connector" -Recurse