Setting secured communication between Management Service and Spooler Controller

The communication between YSoft SafeQ Management Service and YSoft SafeQ Spooler Controller is not secured by default. In order to start encrypted and authenticated communication, both sides need to be properly configured to use the same security settings. If one of the sides is set secure and the other one is not, the communication does not work.

This guide will help you with the configuration of the secured connection between YSoft SafeQ Management Service and YSoft SafeQ Spooler Controller, using CA-signed certificates.

CA-signed certificate requirements

  • The certificate must be signed by a certification authority trusted in your environment.

  • Certificate (fields Common Name and Subject Alternative Name) must contain all network names (i.e. all hostnames, fully qualified domain names and IP addresses) used for connection to the respective server.

    • For multi-tenant deployment it's recommended to enable which is described in section Hardening multi tenant deployment with Spooler Controller tenant identity validation.

  • For importing the certificate you need an appropriate format - Java Keystore (.jks file) containing the private key and whole certificate chain.

  • Both the keystore and key itself need to be protected by a password

  • You will also need a truststore, file containing certificate of the root certification authority, again in the Java Keystore (.jks) format.

In case your key/certificate is in a different format than Java Keystore, convert it following the guide in Conversions between different keystores and certificate types.

In case you do not have key/certificate at all, follow the guide in the Generating key/certificate in Java Keystore format chapter in System communication hardening .

YSoft SafeQ Management Service settings

  1. Stop YSoft SafeQ Management Service service in YSoft SafeQ server.

  2. Copy your key/certificate and certificate of the root certification authority, both in the Java Keystore format, to the <install_dir>\Management\conf\ directory on the server with YSoft SafeQ Management Service.

  3. Go to <install_dir>\Management\conf\ and create there a new file, communicator.conf.

    When this file is present in the specified directory, correctly configured and accessible for read, then the settings specified are applied and communication between YSoft SafeQ Spooler Controller and YSoft SafeQ Management Service will start in secure mode.

  4. Set following properties in the communicator.conf file:

    # this property sets security in Communicator on/off if set to false then resp of properties are ignored (MANDATORY)
    # name of Java truststore file in current directory or absolute path to file (use double backslash \\ in path) (MANDATORY)
    # password to java truststore if not set default value 'changeit' is used (OPTIONAL)
    # name of Java keystore file in current directory or absolute path to file (use double backslash \\ in path) (MANDATORY)
    # password to java keystore if not set default value 'changeit' is used (OPTIONAL)
    # protocol type as defined by Java SSL specification (MANDATORY)
    # this option forces CML to require SPOC authentication (MANDATORY)
    # available protocols as defined by Java SSL specification (OPTIONAL)
    #allowedProtocols =
    # available cipher sutes as defined by Java SSL specification (OPTIONAL)
    #allowedCiphersuites =
    # this property sets the certificate revocation validation method and can contain values 'NONE', 'CRL', 'OCSP' or their combination separated by comma (',') in order of their fallback priority (left to right). The default is 'NONE' (OPTIONAL)
    # this property sets whether to validate full certificate chain (true) or just end-entity certificate (false). The default is true (OPTIONAL)

    The communicator.conf file has to refer to correct Java keystore and truststore files either by relative path to file in the same conf\ directory as this configuration file, or by an absolute path to file.

  5. Start the YSoft SafeQ Management Service service.

YSoft SafeQ Spooler Controller settings

  1. Stop YSoft SafeQ Spooler Controller service.

  2. Copy your key/certificate and certificate of the root certification authority, both in the Java Keystore format, to the <install_dir>\SPOC\conf\ directory on the server with YSoft SafeQ Spooler Controller.

  3. Go to <install_dir>\SPOC\conf\ and create there a new file, communicator.conf.

    When this file is present in the specified directory, correctly configured and accessible for read, then the settings specified are applied and communication between YSoft SafeQ Spooler Controller and YSoft SafeQ Management Service will start in secure mode.

  4. Set following properties in the communicator.conf file:

    # this property sets security in Communicator on/off if set to false then resp of properties are ignored (MANDATORY)
    # name of Java truststore file in current directory or absolute path to file (use double backslash \\ in path) (MANDATORY)
    # password to java truststore if not set default value 'changeit' is used (OPTIONAL)
    # name of Java keystore file in current directory or absolute path to file (use double backslash \\ in path) (MANDATORY)
    # password to java keystore if not set default value 'changeit' is used (OPTIONAL)
    # protocol type as defined by Java SSL specification (MANDATORY)
    # this option forces CML to require SPOC authentication (MANDATORY)
    # available protocols as defined by Java SSL specification (OPTIONAL)
    #allowedProtocols =
    # available cipher sutes as defined by Java SSL specification (OPTIONAL)
    #allowedCiphersuites =
    # this property sets the certificate revocation validation method and can contain values 'NONE', 'CRL', 'OCSP' or their combination separated by comma (',') in order of their fallback priority (left to right). The default is 'NONE' (OPTIONAL)
    # this property sets whether to validate full certificate chain (true) or just end-entity certificate (false). The default is true (OPTIONAL)

    The communicator.conf file has to refer to correct Java keystore and truststore files either by relative path to file in the same conf\ directory as this configuration file, or by an absolute path to file.

  5. Start the YSoft SafeQ Spooler Controller service.

Example of communicator.conf file configuration


Certificate revocation validation

It is possible to enhance the security of communication between YSoft SafeQ Spooler Controller and YSoft SafeQ Management Service by checking the certificate revocation. The revocation validation method can be configured by options certificateRevocationMethod and revocationFullChainChecking in communicator.conf. If the revocation check fails, the connection is refused.

Revocation validation method

Supported validation methods: Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP ) and Certificate Revocation List (CRL).

The possible values of certificateRevocationMethod :

  • NONE (default value, certificate revocation is not checked)

  • OCSP (OCSP validation method is used

  • CRL (CRL validation method is used)

These values can be ordered (separated by comma) to define fallback validation methods (priority - left to right). That means if the first method is not available (e.g. OCSP service is down) then second method, if specified, is used to check the revocation. It does not mean the revoked certificate that failed to validate by the first method is then checked by the second method. Also, by using NONE as fallback to a validation method that is not available it causes the revocation check to pass (even if the certificate is revoked).


certificateRevocationMethod option and its value



default method is NONE, therefore certificate revocation is not checked (the same if the property is completely omitted from the communicator.conf file)


the same effect as above, i.e. certificate revocation is not checked


OCSP method is used for revocation check (if certificate is revoked or if OCSP check cannot be performed, revocation validation fails, otherwise it succeeds)


CRL method is used for revocation check (if certificate is revoked or if CRL check cannot be performed, revocation validation fails, otherwise it succeeds)


CRL method is used for revocation check, and fallbacks to NONE (if certificate is not revoked or CRL check cannot be performed, revocation validation succeeds - even if the certificate is revoked - otherwise it fails)


OCSP method is used for revocation check and fallbacks to CRL (e.g. if both OCSP and CRL checks cannot be performed, revocation validation fails)


OCSP method is used for revocation check and fallbacks to CRL, which fallbacks to NONE (e.g. if both OCSP and CRL checks cannot be performed, revocation validation succeeds - even if the certificate is revoked)

Note that the OCSP and CRL protocol needs to be supported by the Private Key Infrastructure (PKI) in order for it to be used.

Usually the client finds the OCSP responder's URL and CRL distribution points by looking in the Authority Information Access (AIA) extension of the certificate.

Full chain checking

It is possible to specify whether full certificate chain should be checked for revocation, or just the End-Entity (EE) certificate. To check only EE certificate could be beneficial if the authorities in the chain does not support a validation method (e.g. OCSP) we want to use and the EE certificate does.

The possible values of revocationFullChainChecking :

  • true (default value, full certificate chain is checked)

  • false (only EE certificate is checked)

The revocationFullChainChecking has effect only if certificateRevocationMethod specifies at least one method that is not NONE (i.e. OCSP or CRL).

Hardening multi tenant deployment with Spooler Controller tenant identity validation

Configuration described above is sufficient for single tenant deployments.
In case of multi tenant deployment it might be useful to enable also Validate Spooler Controller tenant identity (option tenantValidationEnabled).
With this option enabled, Management Service ensures that communication with any YSoft SafeQ Spooler Controller is authentic and prevents any attempt to impersonate other tenants in case of compromised YSoft SafeQ Site Server.

For this validation to work, it is necessary to include additional metadata in SSL certificate of each YSoft SafeQ Spooler Controller within the YSoft SafeQ deployment.
When Spooler Controller tenant identity validation is enabled, YSoft SafeQ Management Service accepts only communication from YSoft SafeQ Spooler Controller, which have trusted SSL certificate with required metadata.
If YSoft SafeQ Spooler Controller lacks required metadata in certificate or if the metadata are incorrect, then all communication from this YSoft SafeQ Spooler Controller is rejected.

Spooler controller validation requires secured communication between YSoft SafeQ Management Service and Spooler Controller. Plain communication would be rejected during validation.

For this feature, SSL certificate of YSoft SafeQ Spooler Controller must contain:

  • Subject Alternative Name extension

    • this extension must contain entry of type Directory Name where field Organization Name is set to your tenant domain

    • for example: if there is tenant with domain samplecompany, then SSL certificate must contain O=samplecompany

Tenant domain can be configured only during tenant creation.


Tenant domain must be set in client certificate of each YSoft SafeQ Spooler Controller in extension Subject Alternative Name in Directory Name entry and it's organization name field.


Once each YSoft SafeQ Spooler Controller of each tenant withing YSoft SafeQ 6 deployment contains certificate with matching tenant domain entry, then the validation can be enabled.

  1. Enable Validate Spooler Controller tenant identity. In the Management web interface go to the System Configuration and under Expert options find the following parameter


    and set it to Enabled. This option is visible only in cloud administration if multi-tenant license is enabled or together with other settings without multi-tenant license.

  2. Restart YSoft SafeQ Management Services. This step forces all YSoft SafeQ Spooler Controllers to reconnect and properly validate the communication.