Requirements and known limitations of YSoft SafeQ Embedded Terminal for Sharp

General notes

  • Embedded Terminal is a software extension of Sharp devices.

  • Without the EAM module, Scan management is not available and a print job list is not refreshed after print.

  • Embedded Terminal requires licensed and configured Sharp OSA Platform (ACM and EAM module) at the device (OSA version 3.5 and higher).

  • YSoft SafeQ Embedded Terminal for Sharp - 2nd Gen. is supported only on Sharp OSA Platform 5 and higher

    • Devices with Sharp OSA Platform 4.5 and lower might work as well but were not tested and are not officially supported.

  • CR5 device line with Sharp OSA Platform 6 does not support YSoft SafeQ Embedded Terminal for Sharp - 1st Gen.

    • Use YSoft SafeQ Embedded Terminal for Sharp - 2nd Gen instead.

Known limitations

  • Logout with a card is not possible when the card reader is in keyboard mode.

  • Logout with a card is not possible when the device is not fully unlocked (the user did not enter the copy or scan applications after logging in).

  • The initial-screen property is only supported on devices with OSA 4 and higher.

  • If the MFP device is asleep, the user must start the device manually before swiping the card at the USB card reader.

  • When the user credential (i.e. user name, password) are not filled in, the Login button is active, but it does not make any action.

  • Print is not supported for users with username "admin", "blankuser", "service", "users", "other", "other2", "system", "invalid", "vendor", "vendor2" and "servicefss" as these are internally reserved words.

  • In case of changing AMX2/3 license keys, Terminal Server must be restarted before installation of ET.

  • In IC Card Mode enabled on the device and Sharp mode set on the USB card reader swiping the card causes occasional blinking of the display.

  • The Authentication feature has to be installed with the mode set to To device when both AMX2 and AMX3 licenses are enabled.

Finishing options:

  • Proper functionality of Advanced Finishing options is guaranteed only with YSoft Universal Print Driver.

  • The following options are not supported: 3-punching and top punching, staple-right, half-folding, and Page Range.

  • Not all Finishing options are supported on every device, for detailed information please see the Hardware Compatibility List (HCL)

Payment System:

  • YSoft SafeQ Payment System is not supported on devices without AMX 3 license.

  • The print/copy operation may not stop immediately once the minimal balance is reached. Depending on the device, there can be a small delay that allows the users to overrun their balance by about 4 pages. Therefore, registration of debt has to be allowed in YSoft SafeQ Payment System. Otherwise, user would be able to continue printing and copying even after using up credit.

  • When the job is suspended due to insufficient funds, the following behavior differs depending on the supported OSA version.

    • OSA version < 4.0 It is not possible to print, copy or scan on the device, unless the suspended job is manually deleted.

    • OSA version ≥ 4.0 Suspended scan and copy jobs are automatically deleted; Print jobs are stopped and waiting for user input (retry / delete).

  • If more jobs are printed in one batch, it might happen that the following jobs are suspended even though the user has enough credit.

    • The reason for this is that the quota calculation for the next job is done before the accounting information from the previous is sent.

    • The suspended jobs can be released on the "Limits" native screen, here it is possible to select the suspended job and re-check the limits. After confirmation, the job is released.


  • It is not possible to use a quota defined as PRINT or COPY (without color specification). Only definitions like PRINT COLOR or COPY BW are allowed.

  • Print all or print more jobs – it is possible that not all jobs are printed. It depends on the balance of quotas. The strategy for reservation is the same as for credit handling.

    • Balance < 100 – the whole quota is reserved (jobs have to be printed one by one)

    • Balance ≥ 100 – half of the quota is reserved (jobs can be printed in batches)

  • It is possible, that the device will copy or print up to 3 pages more than allowed by quotas. Therefore, users can end up with a negative quota limit.

Differences and limitations of AMX2 and AMX3 licensing

AMX2 license only

  • The Authentication feature has to be installed with the mode set to To each application.

  • Authentication is not required for copying.

  • The authentication screen is displayed after pressing the Sharp OSA button.

  • Copy and scan jobs are not visible in the YSoft SafeQ management interface.

  • Copy, scan, and print jobs are not visible on the history screen.

  • Accounting is not available.

  • After installation, log out and after canceling card assignment or authentication, the user is navigated to screen “Select external application”.

  • In the case that the Authentication Mode is configured "To each application", the USB IC Card mode is not working (the USB keyboard mode must be configured).

AMX3 license only

  • After authentication user is navigated directly to the embedded terminal application (The initial-screen property has to be set to sqprint).

  • Return to the embedded terminal from Sharp native screen is not possible.

  • Scanning is not available.

Both AMX2 and AMX3 licenses

  • In the case that both licenses are enabled (AMX2, AMX3) and the user login, he is taken to the Sharp OSA native panel (not directly to the YSoft SafeQ application).

  • The Authentication feature has to be installed with the mode set to To device.