Requirements and Known Limitations of YSoft SafeQ Embedded Terminal for Samsung


  • The Samsung XOA-E platform

  • An Android-based terminal (Polaris/Evergreen/ProXpress/MultiXpress)

Known Limitations of YSoft SafeQ Embedded Terminal for Samsung

  • Finishing options are not supported.

  • Scanning Workflows are not supported.

  • When a job containing different sizes of paper is printed in duplex, the device will account each sheet (except the last one) as having been printed on both sides (e.g., a job containing a small and a large page will be accounted as two small pages and one large page).

  • YSoft SafeQ Embedded Terminal for Samsung does not support display flipping.

  • Sometimes, the YSoft SafeQ Embedded Terminal icon disappears from a screen (e.g, the user screen) where it was moved from the default place of XOA applications. It happens only on devices where it is possible to move icons from place to place.

  • During the installation of YSoft SafeQ Embedded Terminal, the authentication method is set to Device Authentication. This setting remains set on the device after the uninstallation of YSoft SafeQ Embedded Terminal.

  • The terminal might not work properly if MFD certificate validation is enabled (the configuration option enableMfdServerCertificateValidation).


  • Regardless of the real page amount in print and copy jobs, a device always asks for quotas in 10-quota chunks. When a user does not have 10 quotas, then the server calculates how many pages can be printed from the current user quota and the request is satisfied just partially. As a result, a few pages from the job might not be printed if the quota is insufficient.

  • When more jobs are to be printed, the device asks for quotas for all of them one by one before executing them. Due to the above-described limitation, not all jobs/pages are printed even if the user has a sufficient quota for all of them. The user can print all jobs in a one-by-one manner.

  • Due to the first-described limitation, a mixed job might not be fully printed despite the fact the user has a sufficient quota for all pages. The device always asks for 10 quotas when a transition between bw and color type is reached. It can happen that 10 quotas are allocated for the first transition despite the fact that a lesser amount is really needed and a greater amount would be needed for the other color type during the following quota request. Therefore, quotas are blocked without the possibility to use it at the moment they would be needed elsewhere. Certain combinations of quota settings are more prone (money credit) than others (the explicit distinction between a bw and color quota).

  • Device limitations:

    • It may occasionally happen that the device stops requesting reservations of quotas. In this case, users are not limited in their actions, although operations are accounted by YSoft SafeQ. To fix that, it is necessary to clear the main memory of the device and install the device's firmware again.