
Web Reports Overview

This is main reporting engine for all statistical data processed in YSoft SafeQ environment. Variety of default reports can be generated in several file formats or on the web interface. This feature is designed in order to allow custom view creation.

Configuration and use

Reports are accessible from management interface under Web reports tab. Access of a single user is limited to his/her account by default. An administrator is able to see and modify data view from all users. For more details about possible configuration, see Web Reports.


This feature is generally available in all YSoft SafeQ license suites or as a Reporting module.

Management Reports Overview

This is an executive summary of YSoft SafeQ environment via reports for the entire company, departments, devices and users. Reports could be scheduled for email delivery and used for company stakeholders for example for print budged scaling.

Configuration and use

Reports are available under Reports sub-tab where generated report could be exported. The system can be configured for manual or scheduled export into one of the supported file formats for more convenience. More information about the configuration and export options, please read Management Reports.


This feature is generally available in all YSoft SafeQ license suites or as a Reporting module.

Counter Reports Overview

Counter reporting extends YSoft SafeQ solution with the ability to collect device page meters. Administrators can set the system to collect device counters (sometimes known as "page meters") after user interaction with the registered device and use the information to provide invoicing data to the supplier while verifying reporting accuracy.

Configuration and use

In order to use this feature, a device must be configured to use an appropriate accounting driver. Otherwise, the data will not be available. Reports in management interface display the information about counter readouts on a separate page, where the data can be filtered by date and device group.

The system can be configured for manual or scheduled export into one of the supported file formats for more convenience. More information about the web administration and export options, please read Counter reports.


This feature is generally available in all YSoft SafeQ license suites or as a Reporting module.

Green (Purged Pages) Reports Overview

Green reporting tracks pages which have not been released, i.e. physically printed out. Sometimes, it is referred to as "purged print jobs". The green report can be displayed in management interface, tab Reports or as a system widget on Dashboard.

The green report shows the number of print job pages that were received by YSoft SafeQ but never printed, represent volume of costs saved by Rule-based Engine and printing impact to the environment. The reported data are shown as a number of trees used for consumed paper, volume of CO2 produced by creating consumed paper (information is only approximate, based on publicly available algorithms).

YSoft SafeQ also tracks and reports related costs for pages that have been forced to be printed in monochrome or duplex.


  • Print roaming or Rule-based Engine must be configured.

  • Purge Pages functions reports depends also on print job parser settings:

    if parser is enabled - you can specify the price of a particular page type
    if parser is disabled - you can specify the average count of pages for every non-printed job. These jobs will be counted as A4 B/W jobs according to the settings for Green report jobs with the parser enabled


This feature is generally available in all YSoft SafeQ license suites or as a Reporting module.

Terminal Access Reports Overview

Reports display who authenticated on devices, which authentication method was used and session duration. This report is designed as a tool for administrators.

Configuration and use

The report is available under Reports tab and allows alternative operation of user creation, PIN and card assignment. It can be used as a troubleshooting tool for basic diagnostic with authentication. It does not require any configuration only access rights to report sub-menu.


This feature is generally available in all YSoft SafeQ license suites or as a Reporting module.