Printing BW Jobs with User Access restriction for Color on Sharp

When user sets Color Restriction on Rules/Access definitions the following behaviors are observed:

  • Color job forced as BW job on Driver (Universal Print Driver/Vendor Driver): Job is printed as BW and accounted as BW.

  • BW job (e.g. black text without images) without forcing as BW on driver: Job is listed on TS but not Printed. images/s/-t6brkm/8803/3fowtp/_/images/icons/emoticons/warning.svg

The described behavior is due to a third party limitation.

images/s/-t6brkm/8803/3fowtp/_/images/icons/emoticons/warning.svg Workaround: In order to print a BW job (e.g. black text without images) by user with color restriction Rule-based Engine should be created in order to force BW.