Price Lists

Price Lists Overview

YSoft SafeQ 6 allows prices to be defined for various operations. The prices are defined in separate price lists which can be later assigned to individual users, cost centers or devices. To ensure the proper accounting of print operations, devices must have assigned, at minimum, the default price list. A price list can be shared by multiple users, cost centers, or devices. Therefore, in a homogenous environment, where all devices run at the same cost, only one price list must be configured and can be applied to all devices, users, or cost centers quickly.

Price lists assigned to individual users have the highest priority. If no price list is defined for a user, the cost center price list is used. If no price list is defined for a cost center, the device price list is used (note, the device must always have a price list if accounting is to be enabled).

Setting the Prices for the MFD

For the proper accounting of all type jobs on a device, prices for that device must be set in Devices > Printers > Edit device > Price list. Here you can define the prices for all available printer functions.

If the entered value has more digits than set in the decimal_precision configuration property, it is automatically rounded.

For example, if the number of decimal places is set to 1, and an administrator enters 1.18, the number is automatically saved as 1.2

Price Calculations

Prices are calculated based on these formulas:




Scan cost × number of scanned pages

Copying and printing

(Cost per click × number of printed pages) + (paper cost × number of used papers) + (page cost × number of printed pages)

Incoming fax

(Cost per click × number of printed pages) + (paper cost × number of used papers) + (fax page cost × number of printed pages)

Outgoing fax

Outgoing fax cost

Price Calculation Examples



Print of 1 × A4 page in BW simplex mode

(Cost per click × 1 page) + (paper cost × 1 paper) + (BW page cost × 1 page)

Print of 2 × A4 page in color duplex mode

(Cost per click × 2 pages) + (paper cost × 1 paper) + (color page cost × 2 pages)

Copy of 1 × A4 page in BW simplex mode

(Cost per click × 1 page) + (paper cost × 1 paper) + (BW page cost × 1 page)

Copy of 1 × A4 page in color duplex mode

(Cost per click × 2 pages) + (paper cost × 1 paper) + (color page cost × 2 pages)

Scan of 2 × A4 page in BW simplex mode

Scan cost × 2 pages