Mobile Print Server - User mail notification composition


Notification email composition is based on the following template:

Notification mail template
  1. Mail header

  2. Mail authentication result information

  3. Job list header

  4. List of jobs

  5. Forced finishing options information

  6. Job list footer

  7. Mail footer

The e-mail message always contains a mail header (Mail header option), user's mail authentication result information (based on the authentication result one of the options: Mail authentication failed, Mail duplicate address, Mail send failed, Mail send was successful) and at the end a mail footer (Mail footer option).

In case of successfully authenticated user's e-mail, the processing details of all jobs are inserted between the mail authentication result information and the mail footer:

  • the job list header (Job list header option),

  • the list of all jobs (one job per line) from the mail in format <job filename> <job processing status> (based on the job processing result one of the options: Job conversion failed, Job processing failed, Job send failed, Job was successfully processed),

  • the information about forced finishing options (Notify finish options forced option + Finish option black-white and/or Finish option duplex options, based on the finishing options set),

  • the job list footer (Job list footer option).

For better understanding see the examples below (using default values).


Mail authenticated, all jobs processed

Dear user,

this is an email notification about the result of your request to print documents via YSoft SafeQ Mobile Print Server.

Mail header

Your request was successfully accepted by YSoft SafeQ Mobile Print Server.

Mail send was successful

The processing of requested documents finished with following results:

Job list header

  • Document.pdf was successfully queued

  • Document.txt was successfully queued

  • Excel.xlsx was successfully queued

  • Picture.jpg was successfully queued

  • Picture.png was successfully queued

  • PowerPoint.pptx was successfully queued

  • Word.docx was successfully queued

Successfully processed jobs

You can release your jobs on any terminal or you can use to edit, view and release jobs.

Job list footer

This message has been sent by YSoft SafeQ Mobile Print.
YSoft SafeQ © 2003 - 2016

Mail footer

Mail authenticated, some job processing errors, B/W and duplex finishing options forced

Dear user,

this is an email notification about the result of your request to print documents via YSoft SafeQ Mobile Print Server.

Your request was successfully accepted by YSoft SafeQ Mobile Print Server.

The processing of requested documents finished with following results:

  • Document.pdf was successfully queued

  • Document.txt was successfully queued

  • Excel.xlsx was successfully queued

  • Picture.jpg was successfully queued

  • Picture.png was successfully queued

  • could not be converted because of unkonwn format

  • Word.docx could not be sent to SafeQ

Job conversion failed, job send failed

Note that following finishing options are forced: black and white, duplex

Notify finish options forced, Finish option black-white, Finish option duplex

You can release your jobs on any terminal or you can use to edit, view and release jobs.


This message has been sent by YSoft SafeQ Mobile Print.
YSoft SafeQ © 2003 - 2016


Not registered e-mail address

Dear user,

this is an email notification about the result of your request to print documents via YSoft SafeQ Mobile Print Server.

Your email could not be verified by YSoft SafeQ Mobile Print Server because your email is not registered in SafeQ.

Mail authentication failed

This message has been sent by YSoft SafeQ Mobile Print.
YSoft SafeQ © 2003 - 2016

No connection to YSoft SafeQ server

Dear user,

this is an email notification about the result of your request to print documents via YSoft SafeQ Mobile Print Server.

Your email could not be processed YSoft SafeQ Mobile Print Server because there is no connection to SafeQ.

Mail send failed

This message has been sent by YSoft SafeQ Mobile Print.
YSoft SafeQ © 2003 - 2016

Duplicate e-mail address

Dear user,

this is an email notification about the result of your request to print documents via YSoft SafeQ Mobile Print Server.

Your email could not be verified by YSoft SafeQ Mobile Print Server because other user has registered the same email address in YSoft SafeQ.

Mail duplicate address

This message has been sent by YSoft SafeQ Mobile Print.
YSoft SafeQ © 2003 - 2016