Management Interface - Dashboard


The dashboard displays directly after logging into the YSoft SafeQ management interface. The user can also select dashboard in the left-hand side menu to display it.


On the Dashboard tab, the following functions are displayed, based on access rights:

  • User widgets – relevant for YSoft SafeQ users.

  • Admin widgets – relevant for YSoft SafeQ administrators.

Add widget

This function adds more widgets to the dashboard.

YSoft SafeQ Version

This widget contains basic information about the version of YSoft SafeQ.




Internal build

Internal version of the currently installed YSoft SafeQ Server

Activation and support ID

Activation number and support identifier


Licensed customer name

License expiration

When the license expires. Detailed information about the license can be displayed in the tooltip by hovering the mouse cursor over the icon next to the expiration date. Items marked with a red color are expired or depleted

Support expiration

Expiration date of the product's software support

SLA details

Information about the currently purchased SLA. It includes the name of the SLA, its expiration date and the number of devices covered

Support information

Detailed system information in case of any trouble. Support information can be displayed and downloaded to provide customer support with detailed system information and the configuration

About the YSoft SafeQ application

Information about YSoft SafeQ and used technologies

System Services

The widget shows the YSoft SafeQ internal system services and their status. Additional information about the service's status might be available in a title that displays when hovering the cursor over the status text.



Description of status


YSoft SafeQ Server is ready to communicate with Spooler Controllers

Enterprise Server Synchronization

YSoft SafeQ Server is ready to synchronize data in a cluster

LDAP Replicator Service

YSoft SafeQ Server is ready to synchronize with LDAP

Active Objects in YSoft SafeQ

The following is a basic overview of created objects in YSoft SafeQ.





The total amount of installed devices

Hardware terminals

The total amount of installed hardware terminals

Embedded terminals

The total amount of installed embedded terminals

Spooler Controllers

The total amount of installed Spooler Controllers


The total amount of created users

Cost centre

The total amount of created cost centers


The total amount of created user roles

Billing codes

The total amount of created billing codes

Printed/Failed Jobs

Widgets show the basic statistical data of printed/failed jobs via YSoft SafeQ 6. Print jobs are summed per hour and data is listed from the last YSoft SafeQ 6 restart time.




Blue Line

Printed jobs

Red line

Failed jobs

System Information

The following is basic information about the system.




Server up time

Total time for how long the server has been running

Management Server GUID

GUID of Management Server node

Operating system and configuration

Operating system information

Free disk (with spooler) space

Total amount of free disk space

Database structure

Database structure check

.NET version

Installed versions of .NET

My Last Jobs

The widget shows the last ten jobs.





Job title

Last status change

Time when the last change of this job was performed


Current job status

My Savings

This widget describes the amount of trees, energy, water and CO2 saved. Every non-accounted job with a deleted status is counted as purged.

Data is listed for the current month and the current calendar year.




The total amount of trees saved


The total amount of energy (in kWh) saved


The total amount of water (in liters) saved


The total amount of CO2 (in kg) saved


The total amount of money saved (in the currently set currency)

Access Credentials

This widget can be used to generate a new PIN and card activation code for the logged user. Note that particular features need to be licensed and enabled in order to see parts of the widget or the widget itself.

The user password can be changed via the menu option located in the drop down displayed by clicking the name of the logged user in top right-hand corner of each web application page.




Generate PIN code

This code can be used for authentication at the terminal on the printer

Generate PIN

Click to generate a PIN code

Generate Card Activation Code

This code can be used to assign a new card on the terminal of the printer. Swipe a card over the terminal and when prompted, enter the Card Activation Code. The next time the card is used, the user will be automatically authenticated

Generate Card Activation Code

Click to generate a new Card Activation Code

Text Encryption

Use this widget to encrypt any text. This type of encryption is used by various YSoft SafeQ 6 tools, the application and settings for securing sensitive information for the system's users.


Canceled Jobs by System Restart

Use this widget to find all jobs that were canceled by a system restart. All jobs may be re-queued or canceled.



Find automatically canceled jobs

Find all jobs that were canceled during a YSoft SafeQ 6 restart


Re-queue all found jobs

NO (cancel the jobs)

Cancel all found jobs

Welcome to YSoft SafeQ

This widget covers the basic YSoft SafeQ 6 setup before first system use. Uncompleted tasks are marked red.




Company information

Basic settings with information about the company that uses this YSoft SafeQ Server. This section is available only when the Management report feature is licensed and enabled

Email settings

Basic email notification settings may be set up here

Regional settings

Basic regional settings may be set up here (including currency and VAT)

Users, cost centers and roles

Basic operations with users, cost centers and roles


Basic operations with devices

YSoft Payment System

Basic configuration of the YSoft SafeQ Payment System integration

Print job parser

Basic settings of the print job parser (see Print Job Parser Configuration for more information about this section)

System is ready

Basic system ready check

A description of the Welcome to YSoft SafeQ widget can be found here: Widgets - Welcome to YSoft SafeQ

Database Integrity

This widget displays the database integrity.




Last update

The last time an update was performed

Next update

The specific time when the next update will be performed

Support Information

Support information can be accessed from the YSoft SafeQ version widget and the YSoft SafeQ version widget > Support information.

Custom support information can be added to this page by editing the value of the customSupportInformation configuration property in System settings.


Another Support Information widget is available for everyone and is used to get support identifier so that customers can identify themselves to partner support when contacting them.


If the license is not applied, the widget still will be shown but without any specific information.


System Information

The System information tab contains up-to-date detailed information about the YSoft SafeQ 6 installation.


List of system information


Information about the version of YSoft SafeQ


This section contains information about each system component – its current version and installation date and its update history

The information is parsed from the SAFEQ_DIR/conf/version.conf file that is managed by the YSoft SafeQ installer package


Information about the YSoft SafeQ license


Information about the purchased SLA

Licensed features

Information about the licensed features, expiration status and validity

Licensed items

Information about licensed items, the amount of licenses and currently used licensed items


Information about the operating system, disk space and the YSoft SafeQ installation directory


Information about the YSoft SafeQ database


Information about the YSoft SafeQ cluster


Information about the YSoft SafeQ service status


Information about devices, terminals, drivers and queues

Devices groups

Information about devices groups

JVM settings

Information about JAVA memory, etc.

Support information download

Information for customer support can be downloaded by clicking button Download support information. The downloaded zip file contains Management configuration files and a file with system information.

About information

The About information tab contains information about the product support.

Custom product support information can be added to this page by editing the value of the productSupportInformation configuration property in System settings.