Limitations of YSoft SafeQ Demo

PostgreSQL database only

YSoft SafeQ Demo supports only PostgreSQL database.

Adding new items

It is possible to add new items to YSoft SafeQ using the YSoft SafeQ management interface, but the YSoft SafeQ Demo ignores them. The consequence is that manually created user will not receive any jobs and that no jobs will be assigned to any newly added printer.

Removing generated items

Unfortunately, it is not possible to prevent the user from removing/editing generated items from YSoft SafeQ via the YSoft SafeQ management interface.

Such actions will lead to an unexpected functionality of demo scripts since removed devices, users, etc. would still be assigned to new jobs.


The currency must be changed in YSoft SafeQ before any demo scripts are run. YSoft SafeQ Demo uses the YSoft SafeQ configuration.

Cleanup script

The cleanup script cleans the entire database, including items which were not created using YSoft SafeQ Demo scripts.

Exceptions are:

  • changed YSoft SafeQ settings (this includes changes made by YSoft SafeQ Demo)

  • created rules

  • price lists are not removed/changed

Jobs on local printers

Local printers are created, but no jobs are assigned to these printers.

Deleting jobs

Jobs are marked as "Deleted" after the number of days set in the YSoft SafeQ Demo configuration (DAYS_TO_DELETE_JOB). YSoft SafeQ Demo does not respect the "delete after print" configuration on printers, or "maxSpoolerJobTime" "maxSpoolerJobTimePrinted" and "deleteAllJobsAfterPrint" in YSoft SafeQ system settings. The YSoft SafeQ Demo configuration DAYS_TO_DELETE_JOB should always be less than the "maxSpoolerJobTime" configuration which is set in YSoft SafeQ. If not, some jobs may be deleted twice.