Job recovery feature

To ensure that all print jobs are fully processed and captured by YSoft SafeQ

In case print job is not received completely due to some interruption, it remains (.job and .jobinfo) in the JobStore folder on the FlexiSpooler. After the FlexiSpooler is started again after the interruption (might have been caused by a restart, closing the laptop lid...) it tries to process all unprocessed jobs and send information about them to Spooler Controller. If the jobs is accepted by the Spooler Controller a .controller file will be created with the Guid of the Controller who managed the job and the .jobinfo will be updated with information about parser processing.

This is useful in the following sample scenarios:

  • When FlexiSpooler on user computer is stopped (e.g. users suddenly close their laptop lid).

  • Connection to Spooler Controller or FlexiSpooler server is lost before the job is accepted.

How FlexiSpooler recovers in these situations:


Scenario 1: communication is interrupted during job processing

If this happens before user fills out his or her authentication details or billing codes (is case this information is needed) print job and its related information are saved and waiting in JobStore folder until connection is recovered.

When user computer and connection to Spooler Controller or FlexiSpooler Server is running again, processing of the print job continues and if needed, user is asked again to fill out necessary information.


Scenario 2: communication is interrupted during job information sending

If this happens before or during print job information or file is sent, print job and its related information are saved and waiting in JobStore folder until connection is recovered and FlexiSpooler service is started.

When FlexiSpooler service is started and connection to Spooler Controller or FlexiSpooler Server is running, print job information are sent to Spooler Controller.

Note: JobStore folder is checked for not sent print jobs information (non processed jobs recognizable by the presence of only .job and .jobinfo files without the .controller file) only when service is started. This means in case of connection is lost between FlexiSpooler spooling server to Spooler Controller, jobs will be waiting on FlexiSpooler server until FlexiSpooler service is restarted. This scenario is highly rare as both FlexiSpooler spooling server and Spooler Controller have to be on one computer.