Job compression


Jobs transference can be done faster and consume less network bandwidth by enabling the compression of http requests from Spooler.

Job Compression

The parameter " HttpCompression " is possible to be configured locally on each Spooler (See FlexiSpooler local configuration through spooler.config file for details about communication with mobilePrint, AP and between Spoolers.)

Compressed jobs are characterized of having the GZip header. When HttpCompression = True is set on Spooler, it will compress the outgoing jobs. In case of multiple Spoolers connected, the last one will decompress the job (if needed) and save it.


How to check on Spooler logs that the compression was applied?

The easy way is to enable the "Trace" mode on Nlog.config files inside the Spooler directory and restart the "YSoft SafeQ FlexiSpooler" service. See Configuring logging using Nlog.config

After the job is compressed, on logs of the spooling server, will appear a trace like follows:

2016-05-31 13:24:26.4681 TRACE 17| 2b07f182-b91d-49e2-a1f4-502a82bf0db6 | JobReceiver.HttpReceiveJobController+<SaveJob>d__9 | Job [4aa670fb-8492-43fa-a314-4f8b0eeec972] was compressed.
2016-05-31 13:24:26.4837 INFO 11| 2b07f182-b91d-49e2-a1f4-502a82bf0db6 | JobReceiver.HttpReceiveJobController+<SaveJob>d__9 | Job completely saved [4aa670fb-8492-43fa-a314-4f8b0eeec972].

In case of no compression applied, only "Job completely saved [JOB_GUID]" message will appear.