Deploying as Windows service

YSoft SafeQ Job Service can be installed using the PowerShell script included in the package – install.ps1. The script will install 2 Windows services:

  • YSoft SafeQ Job Service (YSoftSQ-JOB-SERVICE)

  • YSoft SafeQ Job Service Distributed Layer (YSoftSQ-JSDL)


  1. IP addresses or hostnames of all Site Servers where YSoft SafeQ Job Services will be installed in the cluster.

  2. The IP address of YSoft SafeQ Spooler Controller to which YSoft SafeQ Job Service should connect

  3. SSL/TLS certificate which is trusted in the infrastructure

    • Used for HTTPS

    • Without the certificate, YSoft SafeQ Job Service will use a self-signed certificate

    • Will be provided via HttpsCertificatePath and HttpsCertificatePassword configuration values in the install script, see section How to

  4. Asymmetric key pair packaged as a certificate for signing access tokens

    • YSoft SafeQ Job Service needs an asymmetric key pair to sign and validate access tokens (JWTs). This key material must be packaged as a certificate.

    • images/s/-t6brkm/8803/3fowtp/_/images/icons/emoticons/warning.svg Must be the same for all YSoft SafeQ Job Services in the cluster

    • See Generating certificate for signing access tokens/secured SSL connection to generate such certificate

    • Will be provided via SigningCertificatePath and SigningCertificatePassword configuration values in the install script, see section How to

How to

  1. Run install script install.ps1

    Example of script usage

    This is an example of how the script can be called.

    .\install.ps1 `
    -SigningCertificatePath "PATH_TO_SIGNING_CERTIFICATE" `
    -SigningCertificatePassword SIGNING_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD `
    -HttpsCertificatePath "PATH_TO_SSL_TLS_CERTIFICATE" `
    -HttpsCertificatePassword SSL_TLS_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD

Install script arguments




Default value



A path where YSoft SafeQ Job Service will be installed.


<install_dir> /JobService

<install_dir> \JobService



Changing SPOC address to anything but localhost is not supported and will probably result in some features not working correctly.

Address of YSoft SafeQ Spooler Controller to which will YSoft SafeQ Job Service connect.





A comma-separated list of addresses of all YSoft SafeQ Job Services in the near roaming group. If the YSoft SafeQ Job Service is installed with a standalone Site Server then you have to enter the address (typically IP address or FQDN) of the server where the YSoft SafeQ Job Service is installed. This argument cannot be empty.


The list must not be surrounded with quotation marks (,, is correct, ",," is incorrect).




Comma-separated list of aliases of the YSoft SafeQ Job Services in the near roaming group. They have to be in the same order as Job Services.





Path to the certificate (with public and private key) which will be used for signing access tokens. Use different from HTTPS certificate.



YSoft SafeQ Signing Certificate.pfx


The password that was used during signing certificate generation.





A certificate that will be used to enable HTTPS. This will enable communication encryption between YSoft SafeQ Client and YSoft SafeQ Job Service (and between multiple YSoft SafeQ Job Services). This certificate will be validated by clients. If the validation in the client fails, the client will not communicate with the server. If the path is not provided, the installer will create a self-signed certificate using which you might need to disable the certificate validation on YSoft SafeQ Clients and other YSoft SafeQ Job Services. It is highly recommended to use a certificate that is trusted by your infrastructure.


The installer will create a self-signed certificate.

YSoft SafeQ Job Service.pfx


The password that was used during certificate generation.



Port of Infinispan's REST interface.



Switch which disables YSoft SafeQ Job Service's validation of HTTPS certificates. Using this switch will severely decrease security.


Certificate validation is enabled by default.

This argument is a switch, you should not pass any values to it.


Comma-separated list of IP addresses or hostnames of the server where YSoft SafeQ Job Service is installed. This will be used to update the information in the spooler. The spooler will connect to the first one and if it is not available it will randomly select from the rest.




Comma-separated list of aliases of the Site Server hosts. They have to be in the same order as Site Server hosts.





Comma-separated list of ports where YSoft SafeQ Job Service listens. They have to be in the same order as Site Server hosts.





Comma-separated list of ports where YSoft SafeQ Spoolers in Server mode listen. They have to be in the same order as Site Server hosts.





Switch which enables secure JMX for YSoft SafeQ Job Service Distributed Layer if supplied. For more information about securing JMX see Configuring password authentication for JMX connections.


Certificate validation is enabled by default.

This argument is a switch, you should not pass any values to it.


This argument is for the update procedure (see section Updating with preserved configuration and print jobs). Use it only if you have a certificate in the certificate store to use. It sets local.jsonIdentityServerOptions SigningCertificateOptions Thumbprint.




This argument is for the update procedure (see section Updating with preserved configuration and print jobs). Use it only if you have a certificate in the certificate store to use. It sets local.json HttpServerOptions CertificateOptions Thumbprint.




Argument that configures how Job Service resolves its own URL for the purposes of adding itself to the Address Book. Possible values are "Connection", "Host" and "Static". Used when a Job Service is clustered. For details refer to Configuring YSoft SafeQ Job Service.


Uses "Connection" when not set



When SelfUrlResolutionKind is set to "Static", this configures the URL parameter.



Example of script usage

This is an example of how the script can be called when installing a single server (e.g. with IP

.\install.ps1 -NrgAddresses -SigningCertificatePath "YSoft SafeQ Signing Certificate.pfx" -SigningCertificatePassword 123456

This is an example of how the script can be called when installing server s01 as a cluster member:

.\install.ps1 -NrgAddresses,, -SigningCertificatePath "YSoft SafeQ Signing Certificate.pfx" -SigningCertificatePassword 123456 -SelfUrlResolutionKind Static -SelfUrlResolutionUrl

This is an example of how the script can be called when specifying an additional list of Site Server hosts:

.\install.ps1 -NrgAddresses -NrgAliases red,blue -SigningCertificatePath "YSoft SafeQ Signing Certificate.pfx" -SigningCertificatePassword 123456 -SiteServerHosts, -SiteServerAliases eva,merlin -ServerSpoolerPorts 5000,5001 -JobServicePorts 5003,5004

This is an example of how the script can be called when specifying a static SelfUrlResolution (this Job Service is reachable on

.\install.ps1 -NrgAddresses -SigningCertificatePath "YSoft SafeQ Signing Certificate.pfx" -SigningCertificatePassword 123456 -SelfUrlResolutionKind Static -SelfUrlResolutionUrl


To uninstall YSoft SafeQ Job Service from the server run the uninstall.ps1 script that is part of the folder where the YSoft SafeQ Job Service is installed or launch these commands in the Windows Command Prompt ( Win+R > type in "cmd" > press Enter )

sc stop "YSoftSQ-JOB-SERVICE"
sc delete "YSoftSQ-JOB-SERVICE"
sc stop "YSoftSQ-JSDL"
sc delete "YSoftSQ-JSDL"
iisreset /stop
RMDIR "C:\SafeQ6\JobService" /Q /S
iisreset /start

Updating with preserved configuration and print jobs

Both backup_ispn.ps1 and restore_ispn.ps1 scripts are attached within the installation zip package. Use the backup_ispn.ps1 script from the previously installed version and restore_ispn.ps1 from the newly installed version.

Note that these scripts did not exist before build 71. Thus, if you're upgrading from a version prior to build 71, you should use the scripts from build 71.

Both backup_ispn.ps1 and restore_ispn.ps1 scripts are prepared for the default configuration of the distribution layer. In case you have some custom configuration, you will have to modify backup_ispn.ps1 and restore_ispn.ps1 scripts accordingly as well.

  1. Stop YSoft SafeQ Job Service (YSoftSQ-JOB-SERVICE) on all Site Servers so that it is unavailable during the whole update procedure and no print job gets stuck.

  2. Run this SQL query on SQDB6:

    select job_guid from tenant_1.smartq_jobs where spooler_type='JOB_SERVICE'

    Save the output of this query as guids.txt.

  3. On all Site Servers:

    1. Copy guids.txt to C:\temp\.

    2. Run backup_ispn.ps1 to make the cache backup. This script creates ispn_backup.json.

      Ignore the 404 errors, some jobs might have been already deleted.

  4. Update YSoft SafeQ Job Services on all Site Servers.

    1. Back up the following configuration folders and files (if they exist):

      1. <jobservice>\configuration

      2. <jobservice>\distServer\distServer.conf

      3. <jobservice>\distServer\jmxremote.access

      4. <jobservice>\distServer\jmxremote.password

    2. Uninstall YSoft SafeQ Job Service.

    3. Install the new version of YSoft SafeQ Job Service with the SigningCertificateThumbprint and HttpsCertificateThumbprint arguments. Provide the thumbprint values from the backed-up configuration\local.json configuration file.

    4. Stop YSoft SafeQ Job Service (YSoftSQ-JOB-SERVICE).

    5. Merge the backed-up configuration folders and files from step a. with the new folders and files created during the installation of a new version.

      Individual versions of YSoft SafeQ Job Service can have different configuration options, thus the backed-up configuration has to be merged with the new configuration options accordingly.

      One of the common configuration options to be replaced with the backed-up configuration is “Guid” from JobServiceOptions in local.json.

      Example of configuration\local.json
      "JobServiceOptions": {
      "DisableCertificateValidation": false,
      "Guid": "2e8992f4-e57f-4380-b4c6-8adfc854de9e"

      Other options such as SpocAddress and NrgAddresses in configuration\local.json and distServer\distServer.conf depends on whether it was set correctly during the installation of the new version.

      The following configuration block is currently the only configuration that was added in later versions. If your configuration is missing this block you must add it or your Job Service will not function correctly. If you don't have a custom identity provider you can use the values specified in the example.

      "AuthorityOptions": {
      "Authority": "http://localhost:5001",
      "Audience": "jobServiceApiAudience",
      "RequireHttpsMetadata": false
  5. Compare ispn_backup.json files from all Site Servers and pick the one with the biggest data set – just in case the cache was not updated on every server – and then run restore_ispn.ps1 script only on this one particular server.

  6. Start YSoft SafeQ Job Service (YSoftSQ-JOB-SERVICE) on all Site Servers.