Configuring YSoft SafeQ Job Service to support YSoft SAFEQ Cloud mobile app

For YSoft SafeQ Job Service to support the YSoft SAFEQ Cloud mobile application we have to add a new OpenID Client so the mobile application can sign in the user.

  1. Open YSoft SafeQ Job Service's local.json located in the configuration folder

  2. Find IdentityServerOptions section

    IdentityServerOptions section
    "IdentityServerOptions": {
  3. Add new OpenID Connect client that is being used by the mobile application by adding following configuration as AdditionalClients section:

    Adding new client
    "IdentityServerOptions": {
    "AdditionalClients": [
    "ClientId": "mobile-application",
    "ClientName": "Mobile App",
    "RequireClientSecret": false,
    "AllowAccessTokensViaBrowser": true,
    "AllowedGrantTypes": [
    "RequireConsent": false,
    "AllowOfflineAccess": true,
    "RedirectUris": [
    "PostLogoutRedirectUris": [
    "AllowedScopes": [
    "AlwaysIncludeUserClaimsInIdToken": true,
    "AccessTokenLifetime": 3600

  4. Restart YSoft SafeQ Job Service