YSoft Shell


Java (minimal version Java 11) has to be installed on the server with YSoft Shell (alternatively, configure the JAVA_HOME system property in import_tool.bat).

How to Run

Run YSoft Shell with "import_tool.bat" and then run the required command (run help for a list of possible commands or see the documentation on the Spring shell documentation page).

Run YSoft Shell with the required command immediately—run "import_tool.bat <command> -- required parameters".

YSoft Shell Plugins (commands)

See the Spring shell documentation page for general use and possible default parameters.


When YSoft Shell needs to connect to the server, it is necessary to pass the host name to the server (it depends on the command).

There are two possibilities for providing the URL to CLI—it can connect through HTTP and a more secure HTTPS protocol (e.g., http://localhost vs. https://localhost). If it connects through HTTPS, then a certificate for the server must be in trusted certificates. The Trust Store and Key Store for certificates are fully configured in the conf\cli.properties file where, as default, there is a path to the YSoft SafeQ Management Server Trust Store where the YSoft SafeQ Management Server default certificate is saved. If the server has another certificate, it must be added to the Trust Store (see conf\ssl-truststore) or the path to the Trust Store in conf\cli.properties must be changed.

Structure of conf\cli.properties

  • cml_home - path to home directory

  • truststore.path - path to trust store

  • truststore.password - password to trust store

  • keystore.path - path to key store

  • keystore.password - password to key store