YSoft SafeQ Mobile Print Application Configuration

Y Soft delivers two applications which allows printing from mobile devices:

The applications allows discovery of YSoft SafeQ server based on DNS record: safeq6.COMAPNY-DOMAIN.COM

The applications allows two types of delivery channels:

  • via Mobile Integration Gateway (MIG) - URL begins with ipps:// (default port 8050)

  • via end user interface (EUI) with Mobile Print Server - URL begins with https:// (default port 9443)

Applications (specifically server components) requires Mobile Print license installed on YSoft SafeQ.

Minimal requirements

Applications requires following version of OS as minimal version:

  • iOS - 12.2

  • Android - Marshmallow - 6.0 (API 23)

Installation of infrastructure

Delivery via MIG

images/s/-t6brkm/8803/3fowtp/_/images/icons/emoticons/warning.svg Limitation: The delivery of print documents is currently not available in the iOS version of the mobile application.

Install Mobile Integration Gateway for YSoft SafeQ 6. It will open port 8050.


  • MIG is able to handle common PDF and JPEG formats. For other formats like DOCX you can use MPS or let application on mobile device convert the document to PDF.

  • Only Android version of applications has support for this delivery method. iOS will be added in future.

Note: The application is able to print also via MIG or AP for YSoft SafeQ 5. This might be useful for customers with older installations of YSoft SafeQ. The MIG/AP for YSoft SafeQ 5 is not under active development.

Delivery via End User Interface

images/s/-t6brkm/8803/3fowtp/_/images/icons/emoticons/warning.svg Note: This interface is recommended only for small installations with just one site and only one Mobile Print Server. Consider using MIG instead.

It's necessary to install EUI and MPS. Make sure that Mobile Print Service is running and it's also enabled in YSoft SafeQ 6 management interface.

Default port of EUI is 9443.

The applications is talking to https end-point of End User UI and uploading the job. Same could be achieved via web browser. Once the job is uploaded MPS will take care of conversion and it will deliver the job to Spooler


  • Installation is suitable for single site. In case of installing multiple EUI/MPS, it's necessary to take care that only one MPS is consuming emails from mailbox. The mailbox functionality is not required for the application, but it's the default way how MPS processes data.


The application is able to discover endpoint for job upload in the network. The discovery is based on DNS using following mechanism:

  • application reads search domain from DHCP response or VPN profile

  • application adds subdomain "test-printserver"

  • application checks ports 443 and 9443 (EUI) or 8050 (MIG)

Once the URL is responding with proper signature of the service, the user is prompted to confirm whether she would like to use service.

To configure the discovery it's sufficient to add DNS A record which is pointing to the server where EUI or MIG is located. The name of subdomain should be "safeq6".

Installation of Android application

The application is possible to install from Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ysoft.ysoftsafeqprint

Installation of iOS application

The application is available in App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ysoft-safeq-mobile-print/id1460758690?ign-mpt=uo%3D2

Installation of Android application via MDM

If the company has MDM it can leverage the installation and configuration. It's possible to configure following properties



Default value




Server URL which is displayed on login screen



User login name

server_url_1 ...9


Additional server URL presented in Spinner above login, so user can choose location

server_name_1 ..9


Friendly name displayed to user in Spinner

Using Mobile Print applications

Printing from application on Android

Tap the application icon. Type in address of endpoint:

  • EUI/MPS: https://server-with-eui:9443/end-user/ui/

  • MIG: https://server-with-mig:8050

If DNS record of subdomain safeq6 was configured it is sufficient to click Discover button.

Enter Login and Password.

Check "Remember credentials" if you'd like to persist server URL, login and password.

Tap Login button.

The Add button.

Select files for upload.

Upload files.

Printing from application on iOS

  1. Tap the application icon. Type in address of endpoint:

    • MIG: https://server-with-mig:8050/

    • EUI/MPS: https://server-with-eui:9443/end-user/ui/

    If DNS record of subdomain safeq6 was configured it is sufficient to click Discover button.

  2. Enter Login and Password.

  3. Check "Remember credentials" if you'd like to persist server URL, login and password.

  4. Tap Login button.

  5. The Add button.

  6. Select files for upload.

  7. Upload files.

Printing from Android by Share button

  1. Open application with content that you'd like to print.

  2. Tap Share button.

  3. In the list find YSoft SafeQ Print.

  4. Tap Login.

  5. Check files for upload and tap Upload button.

Printing from iOS by Share button

  1. Open application with content that you'd like to print.

  2. Tap Share button.

  3. In the list find YSoft SafeQ Print.

  4. Tap Login.

  5. Check files for upload and tap Upload button.

Printing from Android by Print button

  1. Open application with content that you'd like to print.

  2. Tap Share or Print button.

  3. Tap Print button.

  4. You'll see YSoft SafeQ print service with job print preview.

  5. Tap Print icon in upper right corner.

Security considerations

Current version of application is using HTTPS interface available in YSoft SafeQ. The validation of certificate chain is disabled in current version (for PoC), it will be enabled in future. We recommend to use MDM to deploy application. Some MDMs even allows VPN tunnel per applications.

End point for receiving jobs can be hidden behind WAF to increase security level.

Single Sign On is not supported in services or in application in current version. This feature is planned for future releases.

Y Soft is not gathering any information from user except what is collected automatically by Google Play or App Store regarding application crashes. User is prompted to share information of application crash in the same way like any other Android or iOS application. Y Soft does not use any additional data gathering from user.


Applications are in preview state and their implementation might change. We're open to feedback and improving the service.

Applications are not covered by any SLA.

In average application will receive update once a week for bugfixes and improvements.

Since distribution of application is dependent on Google and Apple, we're not able to guarantee time to distribution. It often takes 24 hours for stores to synchronize versions.

We recommend to use MDM for better control of installed applications, where administrator can decide to deploy new version or not in the organization.