YSoft SafeQ 6 MU26 - Release Notes

New Features and Benefits

DeeControl 2.2 - new version of 3D printing slicer software

The new version, DeeControl 2.2, is now available as a free download for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X platforms on Partner Portal and the Y Soft website. Main enhancements:

  • Support of Czech language.

  • Ability to save a project composed of multiple parts as one .dcp file.

images/download/attachments/160476096/DeeControlCZ.png images/download/attachments/160476096/DeeControlSave.png

Fixes and Improvements


A new firmware version for Terminal Professional 3.5 (3.15.16) has been created. Improvements are:

  • User credentials are no longer written in the log file.

  • The logo visible on the touch screen can be customized via the remote configuration tool for hardware terminals (Termtool).

Incompatible print jobs can now be deleted on YSoft SafeQ Terminal Pro 4.

Embedded Terminal for Xerox has been improved. Color restrictions on copying can now be defined by adjusting YSoft SafeQ user roles.

User access to Xerox VersaLink native copy and fax functions can now be restricted based on a user role.

Embedded Terminal for Toshiba / OKI now supports double byte characters so the Thai language is now supported correctly.

The Embedded Terminal installation guide for Toshiba / OKI devices, based on e-BRIDGE NEXT or later architecture, has been extended. An IP-specific certificate is necessary for secure communication.

The “forceInternalLdapServerIp” system property is now accessible from the Management Interface expert-level configuration window. It is possible to set up Windows Network Load Balancing (WNLB) for Toshiba and OKI devices.

Connectivity of Embedded Terminals to Terminal Server in a clustered environment with load balancing has been improved. The first start of Embedded Terminal is now quicker. This applies to Embedded Terminal for Xerox, Fuji Xerox, Toshiba, OKI, Sharp and Ricoh devices.

The Embedded Terminal for Lexmark is no longer stuck when the user tries to switch to the print application or scans again when a previous scan job has finished.

The billing code application title in native Embedded Terminal for Konica Minolta is now dependent on the “billingCodePrecedence” property. When the selected billing code is also applicable for print, the title is "Select a billing code". If not applicable for print, the title is “Choose a billing code for copy and scan.”

Administrators no longer have to manually download a special installation package for the Embedded Terminal for Ricoh. It is now part of the native YSoft SafeQ installation.

Administrators can now use the new property “billingCodesMessage" to set up appropriate text for the empty "My billing codes" screen of Embedded Terminal.

Behavior of Embedded Terminal for HP has been changed for accessing the native device’s functions. When a user is logged into the Embedded Terminal:

  • Access to SafeQ applications and native copy, scan and fax applications reflect YSoft SafeQ roles.

  • Certain native features are restricted: Support tools, delete protected jobs without entering a password or PIN, ability to view other specific users’ jobs and folders, restore factory settings, ability to promote any user’s job, retrieve diagnostic data and reports.

  • All other native features are enabled.

All Job Based Accounting (JBA) records are now downloaded from Xerox VersaLink devices even when there are more than 50 jobs in the log.

The description of the Terminal Ultralight firmware update has been removed from the Administrative Guide because this feature isn’t implemented in YSoft SafeQ 6.

Users can now search billing codes on Embedded Terminal for Konica Minolta with the Chromium browser.

Text in error windows is now better aligned on the Embedded Terminal for Epson.

PIN auto confirmation has been removed from the Embedded Terminal 2nd Gen. for Konica Minolta login screen. A PIN is validated when the user taps on the login button.


The print language of jobs that are submitted through the Wireless print (AP Server) is now correctly detected. Postscript jobs are now correctly printed.

Direct queues of printers without any terminal no longer disappear after restart of the Site Services or deleting the cache. Printing through direct queues is again functional.

The "ParserPJLUser" functionality now correctly uses encoding set via "lprEncoding" system property. It solves issues with SAP printing when users have special characters in their username, like ä,ö,ü.

Internal system tracking the print job status has been improved. Print jobs already printed will no longer appear as in a "printing" state.

Parser now correctly recognizes print jobs with A2 and higher formats.

A print job with a title containing the text string “Copy - (" is no longer accounted for as copies on Xerox devices.

Print jobs with non-standard paper size (other than A4 or A3), can now be printed on Xerox devices when using the YSoft Payment System.

Print jobs uploaded on End User Interface are no longer locked and can be automatically cleaned from an internal temporary folder after printing.

Scan Workflows

Text validation of user input default values in Automated Scan Workflows has been removed allowing administrators to now be able to enter scan variables or multiple email addresses.

PDF documents scanned on Konica Minolta devices with OpenApi 4.13a are no longer digitally signed. Adobe Reader doesn’t show a warning message about a non-valid or insecure digital signature.

When a user searches for email on Embedded Terminal for Konica Minolta with Chromium browser, the search window no longer overwrites the keyboard.

YSoft SafeQ Automated Scan Workflows: Resolving of scan variables for HP Records Manager’s parameters (RecordType, ContainerRecordNumber and ExternalId) has been fixed.

YSoft Payment System

The YSoft Payment System could stop working with an “Out of Memory” error message in environments with YSoft Payment Machines. It has been fixed.

YSoft Payment System installation files now include a newer version of the third party component: Apache Tomcat version 9.0.12.

Installation and Administration

Description of the “cryptographicProtocolForLdapReplication” property in Management Interface has been fixed. The TLSv2 protocol is supported as well.

An mouse-over message is now readable when an error appears in the database integrity widget on Management Interface.

The user no longer receives multiple emails with a card activation code in an environment with two and more Site Services.

“Printed/failed jobs” widget in Management Interface now correctly shows jobs and their status.

A print job preview is now fully available in an environment with clustered Site Services.

The “Local printer” accounting method has been removed from the device definition in the Management interface. This feature hasn’t been implemented yet.

User can now use an alias to log in to Terminals, the End User Interface and the Management Interface.

Generation of statistics for reporting has negative impact on the performance of standard YSoft SafeQ tasks. Generation of statistics has been fragmented in more smaller tasks that no longer lock the database for a long time and the Management tier can now better respond to Site Services requests.

Mouse-over help of the 'Overwrite user if already exists in database' and 'Check username uniqueness' in expert settings of LDAP replication on Management Interface has been improved.

A timestamp assigned to a print job is now taken from the server instead of the device’s date and time. Jobs and statistics are no longer prematurely deleted when the device’s time is incorrect.

Validation of the “PIN-default-expiration” property in Management Interface no longer allows negative numbers.

Administrators can now directly upgrade YSoft SafeQ MU17 to MU26. It was not possible in version MU25.

The Mobile Print Server service crashed under some circumstances while stopping. It has been fixed.

It some circumstances, a user received multiple email messages containing a PUK for a new card self assignment in a clustered Site Services environment. It has been fixed

LD (Limited Devices) control check has been modified. The LD license is no longer removed from a device when a sporadic SNMP device’s non-response appears and the device still reacts on a network “ping” instruction. Six checks in a row with 20 minutes frequency must be negative to automatically remove the device from the LD license in Management Server.

Product Extensions (Customizations)

No items.

Known Limitations

Installation and deployment

  • Backup of YSoft SafeQ 6 (configuration, database and more) can be done using the documented procedure. Please follow the product documentation for backup and restore.

  • FlexiSpooler in server mode and Spooler Controller components must be installed on the same server.

  • After updating FlexiSpooler in client mode, the Offline Print capability needs to build a new list of last used printers.

  • PostgreSQL database server uses GMT time zone by default. If YSoft SafeQ management server is in different time zone, PostgreSQL time zone has to be set accordingly.
    Description: Administrative Guide / Installation and deployment / Software / Configure PostgreSQL time zone for correct print job and report data

  • Automated upgrade from YSoft SafeQ 5 does not support migration of YSoft SafeQ Payment System and YSoft SafeQ Mobile Print Server.

    • When the Mobile Print Server is a part of the YSoft SafeQ 5 system, automated upgrade of other components is still available. However, the MPS service in YSoft SafeQ will need to be configured manually.

    • When the YSoft SafeQ Payment System is a part of the YSoft SafeQ 5 system, a special manual upgrade must be provided. Contact your Y Soft Regional Sales Manager for additional information.

    An automated upgrade is possible only when using the latest YSoft SafeQ 5 Maintenance Update. More details on the upgrade process can be found in the Administrative Guide in the article Upgrade from YSoft SafeQ 5.

Accounting and reporting

Online accounting:

  • Online accounting of direct prints is not supported.

  • Online accounting of fax is not supported.

  • Online print accounting with coverage accounting correction is not supported.

  • Online accounting with the YSoft SafeQ Mobile Terminal is not supported.

  • The batch accounting of secure prints is not supported.

Offline accounting:

  • Combination of offline accounting and Payment System is not supported.

  • Offline accounting of copies using smart cable is not supported.

Local print monitoring (Local Monitor) is not supported. The price list section "Local" remains on the web interface for the backward compatibility.

Estimated price of a print job does not change after modification of finishing options.

Management interface

  • Page with printers does not support searching by the direct queue when the name is put into the Basic filter or into the keyword field in the Advanced filter. This functionality was removed due to performance reasons. Searching by direct queue will be reintroduced via a dedicated field in the Advanced filter.

Embedded, External and Mobile Terminals

  • Legacy Terminal Professional v3.5 is supported with the following limitations.

    • Scan Workflows are not available.

    • When using online accounting, price and number of pages displayed on the terminal might be different from the actually accounted numbers. Accounted information is correct, terminal displays only estimation from the parser.

  • Finishing options are not supported on the YSoft SafeQ Embedded Terminal for Samsung.

  • Scan Workflows are available on devices from the following manufacturers. Please refer to the product documentation for more details.

    • FujiXerox

    • Konica Minolta / Develop

    • OKI

    • Ricoh

    • Sharp

    • Toshiba

    • Xerox

    • EPSON

    • HP

  • Basic finishing options (Simplex/Duplex, BW/Color and Number of copies) are available on devices from the following manufacturers. See product documentation for details.

    • FujiXerox

    • Konica Minolta

    • Lexmark

    • OKI

    • Ricoh

    • Sharp

    • Toshiba

    • Xerox

    • EPSON

    • HP

  • Advanced finishing options (Stapling, Punching, Folding) are available on devices from the following manufacturers. See product documentation for details.

    • Konica Minolta

    • Ricoh

    • Sharp

    • Xerox

    • FujiXerox

  • Any jobs submitted via Mobile Print or AP Connector do not support advanced finishing options.

  • Not all of the finishing options are supported on every device, for detailed information please see the documentation.

  • YSoft SafeQ 5 Early Access features such as "Extended accounting of colors" and "Public user accounting" are currently not supported in Y Soft SafeQ 6.

  • YSoft SafeQ Mobile Terminal does not support pay-for-print capability

  • YSoft SafeQ Mobile Terminal is not currently supported for use with other hardware terminals (Terminal Ultralight, Terminal Professional v3.5 and Terminal Pro 4).

  • Advanced finishing options are supported only when the YSoft Mobile Terminal is used on devices with Embedded Terminals.

  • Advanced finishing options are not supported on Terminal Pro 4.

  • When deploying a software update package on Terminal Pro 4, a change of IP address in Terminal Pro 4 is required prior to starting the software update package deployment. The IP address of Management server is required. The change can be made via SSH client and connection to Terminal Pro 4.

  • Terminal Pro 4 does not support Payment System.

  • Terminal Pro 4 does not support Stop on zero.

  • Scan workflows don't support user inputs and scan settings on Terminal Pro 4.

  • Scan workflows with hardware terminals (Terminal Ultralight, Terminal Pro 4) requires a Windows-based shared scan destination folder to transfer scanned files. Linux or other operating systems based shared folders are not supported.

  • A user is not notified about the unavailable print job while using local spooler (CBPR) when Print All function on the authentication page is enabled and used.

Printing and print processing

  • YSoft SafeQ desktop Interface with FlexiSpooler for MacOS is not supported.

  • Desktop interface notifications from Rule-Based Engine work only when the FlexiSpooler is in client mode.

  • Estimated price for the job is not displayed in the YSoft SafeQ desktop Interface.

  • Offline print is not supported in the following Embedded Terminals:

    • Lexmark

    • Sharp

    • Samsung

Scan Workflows

  • The output format, Compact PDF, is not working properly in combination with any processing step. The scanned file is split into multiple pages.

Printing through Mobile Print Server

  • Character encoding of the incoming email must match the encoding configured on the server containing FlexiSpooler used by Mobile Print Server in order to avoid a job name with corrupted characters.

  • After adjusting the page range, preview of PDF jobs sent via AP Connector is not generated from that page.

YSoft SafeQube 2

  • Only Konica Minolta, FujiXerox, Lexmark, Ricoh, Sharp and Xerox Embedded Terminals are supported with SafeQube 2.

  • Scanning on FujiXerox via SafeQube 2 is not supported.

  • Near, Far Roaming and Offline Print are not supported with SafeQube 2.

  • Only TLS 1.0 and SSL 3 are supported on SafeQube 2. MFDs with TLS 1.1 or TLS 1.2 only won't work via a secured channel, but some of them can be configured to use HTTP.

  • An administrator can not change SSL certificate on SafeQube 2.

  • Double-byte characters are not supported.

  • All ports must be configured above 1024.

YSoft be3D eDee Print Management Solution

  • Card self-registration is not supported.

  • Billing codes are not supported.

  • Quotas are not supported.