Using Billing Codes at a Toshiba Device

Selecting a Billing Code from a List

With YSoft SafeQ Embedded Terminal, you can choose billing (project) codes in the application menu for copying and scanning in one session without logging out and logging in.

  1. In the YSoft SafeQ application, select Billing codes from the menu.

  2. A screen with billing codes displays.

    Now you can:images/download/attachments/160479524/fxBCNOTselected.png

    images/download/thumbnails/160479524/BC_plus_button.png Tap the '+' button to see a list of children billing codes (lower level).

    images/download/thumbnails/160479524/BC_back.png Tap the Back button to see a list of parent billing codes (higher level).

    images/download/thumbnails/160479524/arrows.png Tap the Arrow buttons to list the pages of billing codes in current level.

    images/download/thumbnails/160479524/BC_text_field.png Tap the text field to enter a search phrase.

    images/download/thumbnails/160479524/BC_lence_icon.png Tap the Magnifier button to start searching.

  3. If you have found your billing code in the list, just tap the billing code name to select it. Tap the tick button to confirm the selection.


  4. You are now redirected to the screen you were previously on. The newly selected billing code can be seen at the bottom of the screen.


  5. Continue to the desired application. The selected billing code will be applied automatically.

    Application of the selected billing code to print jobs depends on the current settings of the YSoft SafeQ.

Default Billing Code

  1. Based on your configuration, the default billing code is sometimes selected automatically immediately after login (in this case: 0: Default Project). Until you change it, all copies and scans (and prints) will be accounted to your default billing code.

    Your default billing code can be changed in the YSoft SafeQ web administration interface.

Searching for a Billing Code

  1. In the YSoft SafeQ application, select Billing codes from the menu.

  2. A screen with billing codes displays. If you want to search the billing codes, tap the text field to enter the search phrase.


  3. Type the name or number or text of the billing code you want to search for and tap OK.


  4. A result that matches your search phrase displays.


    Now you can:

    images/download/thumbnails/160479524/arrows.png Tap the Arrow buttons to list the pages.

    images/download/thumbnails/160479524/BC_text_field.png Tap the text field if you want to change your search phrase.

    images/download/thumbnails/160479524/back_button.png Tap the Cancel button to stop searching and return to the Billing codes list.

  5. Select one of the billing codes and confirm by tapping the tick button.


  6. Continue to the desired application. The selected billing code will be applied automatically.

    Application of the selected billing code to print jobs depends on the current settings of the YSoft SafeQ.