Spooler Full Disk Prevention

The job reception based on the available free disk space can be managed using the two configuration options - DiskSpaceMonitoringEnabled, MinimumDiskSpaceRequired found in YSoft SafeQ Spooler configuration .

To prevent exhaustion of disk space, the YSoft SafeQ Spooler will stop receiving jobs from any source when the free space on a disk where the jobs are spooled is below the MinimumDiskSpaceRequired and DiskSpaceMonitoringEnabled is set as true (default value). The job reception will start again after the free space increases above the MinimumDiskSpaceRequired.

Spooler Full Disk Prevention can be disabled by setting DiskSpaceMonitoringEnabled parameter to false. But it is highly recommended to keep default value true.

Limitations & notes

  1. When YSoft SafeQ Spooler stops job reception because available free disk space is under MinimumDiskSpaceRequired, jobs which are already receiving are properly finished and received.

  2. Full disk prevention only applies to YSoft SafeQ Spooler in server spooling mode.

  3. When YSoft SafeQ Spooler is deployed on Omni Bridge, DiskSpaceMonitoringEnabled value must remain true (default value) otherwise it may harm the device and make it unusable.