Right to Access - rta.exe


rta - YSoft SafeQ 6 GDPR Right to Access CLI


rta [-u login] [-o outputDir] [-V] [-l logFileName] [--log-file-trace logFileName] [--log-file-debug logFileName] [--log-file-info logFileName] [--log-file-warning logFileName] [--log-file-error logFileName] [--log-file-critical logFileName] [--version]


YSoft SafeQ 6 - GDPR Right to Access CLI. Allows an administrator to execute a Data Subject's right to access. The program works by retrieving all references to structured and unstructured data within the YSoft SafeQ 6 databases related to the user, and exporting them to a single Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) file. The application must be run on one of the YSoft SafeQ 6 Management servers, as it references the configuration files to connect to the database.

The following information is stored in the HTML file:

  • User: The contents of the row that specifies the user

  • Aliases: All known aliases of the user

  • Terminal Accesses: List of times the user was identified accessing a Terminal

  • Job Details: Detailed record of print job metadata collected related to the user, including file names and job titles

  • Job Accounting: List of print, copy, scan and faxing accounting data associated with the user

  • Data Warehouse: List of information related to the user stored in the Data Warehouse and DataMart

The template for the HTML file is located in the same directory as the application. Minor modifications, such as changing the CSS Stylesheet formatting or the verbiage explaining the data, can be performed by anyone familiar with HTML, however it is not recommended to modify any section containing reserved name placeholders (words in all capital letters, with an ampersand at the beginning and end). Records in log files on YSoft SafeQ servers will not be provided.


-u, --user <login> User to remove from the system

-o, --outputDir <directory> Output directory for the report to be delivered to

-r, --random-retries <Number> The number of times to generate a random number until failure. Default 1000

-V, -VV, -VVV Increase logging level to (-V) INFO, (-VV) DEBUG, or (-VVV) TRACE

-l, --log <logFileName> Specify the log file where output will be sent

--log-file-trace <logFileName> Specify the log file where trace level logging will be sent

--log-file-debug <logFileName> Specify the log file where debug level logging will be sent

--log-file-info <logFileName> Specify the log file where info level logging will be sent

--log-file-warning <logFileName> Specify the log file where warning level logging will be sent

--log-file-error <logFileName> Specify the log file where error level logging will be sent

--log-file-critical <logFileName> Specify the log file where critical level logging will be sent

--version Print version and exit