Required User Rights

YSoft SafeQ 6 Embedded Terminal Migration Tool can be used only by a user with specified user rights.

To allow a user to migrate a terminal using YSoft SafeQ Embedded Terminal Migration Tool, the following steps need to be performed:

  • Create a new user role named management-api-operator.

  • In the access rights section, enable the access right Remote access via the Management Server REST API for the role.

  • Create a new user who can operate SQMT (please note that this user must be different to an administrator user).

  • Assign the following roles to the user:

    • safeq admins

    • SQTS API operators

    • management-api-operator

It is possible that after the update, YSoft SafeQ6 may be missing the "SQTS API operators" role. In that case, use the following command in the database:

INSERT INTO tenant_1.users (login, pass, name, surname, sign, email, flag, ip, card_num, ou_id, ou_number, ext_id, login_ascii, name_ascii, surname_ascii, replicated, homedir, ext_name, safeq_oid, tenant_id, source, user_note) VALUES ('sqts api operators', '', '', 'YSoft SafeQ Terminal Server API operators', '', '', 163840, '', '', 0, 0, NULL, 'sqts api operators', '', 'YSoft SafeQ Terminal Server API operators', 0, NULL, NULL, 10, NULL, 'INTERNAL_DATABASE', NULL);