Print Job Parser Configuration

This page contains a detailed description of the print job parser. The print job parser is used by YSoft SafeQ 6 to analyze print job properties (e.g., detected print job languages, the count of print job pages with their color coverage, duplex/simplex information, etc.) and for image preview rendering.


To see and configure parser settings:

  1. Log into the YSoft SafeQ management interface with sufficient rights to change system settings (for example, "admin") and access the Tenant view.

  2. Go to System > Expert tab and search required properties or find them in the Spooler category.

You will be interested in the properties below:


The higher the rendering resolution is, the more resources it consumes. Job analysis resolution is used for job operations such as offline accounting.

Possible values:



No rendering

While analyzing a print job, it will not be rendered at all, so that just basic information without accounting details is gathered. This option provides the best system performance.

Low resolution rendering

While analyzing a print job, all its pages will be rendered to a low-resolution image (36 DPI). This option provides full print job properties information, but due to the lower resolution, the results will not be as accurate as the high-resolution option. Usable for offline accounting. Please keep in mind that this option can worsen system performance.

High resolution rendering

While analyzing a print job, all its pages will be rendered to a high-resolution image (150 DPI). This is the most convenient option for offline accounting and coverage accounting. Please keep in mind that this option has a significant impact on system performance.


With job preview resolution, the parser can create a preview of incoming print jobs with different levels of precision – the higher the rendering resolution, the better the quality of the image generated. Job preview resolution is used for rendering job previews for the terminals and management interface.

Possible values:



No rendering

No print job previews will be rendered.

Low resolution rendering

The print job preview will be rendered at a resolution of 36 DPI.

High resolution rendering

The print job preview will be rendered at a resolution of 150 DPI. The preview will be created at the best quality.

Parsing PostScript and Mobile Print and Mobile Integration Gateway Jobs

YSoft SafeQ 6 comes with a built-in parser for PCL print jobs. PostScript (PS) jobs and jobs from Mobile Print and YSoft SafeQ Mobile Integration Gateway (both send raw PDFs) require a GhostScript parser.

YSoft SafeQ 6 is compatible with the GhostScript versions below.

YSoft SafeQ 6 version

GhostScript version

Build 50 and lower

9.00 to 9.52
GhostScript 9.52:

Build 51 and higher

All 9.x versions

GhostScript version 8.x or lower is not supported!

The GhostScript parser must be downloaded and installed additionally as due to the licensing conditions, it is not possible to include it in the YSoft SafeQ 6 installation package. To download the installation files of GhostScript, please refer to

GhostScript can be installed to its default path because FlexiSpooler can detect it automatically and use the latest version installed on the server/computer. So in the case of multiple GhostScript versions installed on the server/computer, FlexiSpooler will always use the latest version. Information about the GhostScript version is found in the registry of the operating system.

More information on the support of print languages can be found on Print language support and limitations.