Mobile Integration Gateway administration

Web browser compatibility

  • Mozilla Firefox

  • Google Chrome

  • Safari

Note: Web administration is compatible with any ACID3 compatible website browser.

Mobile Integration Gateway administration is a web interface used for configuring Mobile Integration Gateway service. After log in, user can modify announced printer name and location and manage server certificates.

If YSoft SafeQ - Mobile Integration Gateway Setup web interface is configured to use a different port than the default port 8050, enter the complete URL (e.g.: https://mig_ip:port/administration).

Logging into the system

Use your default credentials to log into YSoft SafeQ - Mobile Integration Gateway Setup web interface. Only user who belongs to administrator or sub-administrator group can log in.


Automatic logout

If the user has been inactive for at least 30 minutes, he is logged out automatically and with next action notified about expired session.

Turning Mobile Iintegration Gateway on and off

When authenticated, user can turn Mobile Integration Gateway on and off. Server will stop or start announcing.


Updating announced name, location and supported paper sizes

  1. When authenticated, user can change announced name and location. This information shows on iPhone®/Mac as printer name and printer location.

  2. Administrator can specify Mobile Integration Gateway geographic location. For valid geographic location, both altitude and longitude has to be entered. When both altitude and longitude are empty, server will delete current saved geographic location.

  3. Check the paper sizes that you want to use. If multiple sizes are selected, user can choose paper size before print.



Administrator is able to work with server certificate from Mobile Integration Gateway administration web interface. Administrator can generate self-signed certificate, generate certificate signing request or upload signed certificate with private key.


Self-signed certificate

By selecting Generate self-signed, administrator can generate self-signed certificate using web interface form. Common name field is required and should contain valid server domain name. By clicking Generate certificate button on correctly filled in form, self-signed certificate is generated and added to Windows Certificate store. Generated certificate has validity for 10 years. This certificate is then mapped to be used directly with Mobile Integration Gateway port.


Certificate signing request

By selecting Generate certificate signing request, administrator can generate certificate signing request by filling in form in interface dialog. Common name field is required and should contain valid server domain name. By clicking Generate certificate signing request button on correctly filled in form, certificate signing request is generated and downloaded via web browser. Generated certificate signing request has requested validity for 10 years. Downloaded file contains two files, YSoft AirPrint certificate.csr and YSoft AirPrint private key.key. YSoft AirPrint certificate.csr is certificate signing request which should be sent to desired certificate authority to be signed. YSoft AirPrint private key is private key and should be kept save and secure for later upload together with signed certificate signing request.


Upload certificate

By selecting Upload certificate, administrator can upload signed certificate by selecting certificate *.crt and private key *.key file. If password was specified for private key, when generating certificate signing request, the same password needs to be filled in when uploading signed certificate. Uploaded certificate is added to Windows Certificate store and then mapped to be used directly with Mobile Integration Gateway port.


Example of files for import

TLS Certificate should have the following structure when opened in a text editor (it is in X.509 format, there is no password protection):
<various characters>

TLS Private Key should have the following structure when opened in a text editor (type PCKS #8 with PEM encoding):

  • when protected by password, it will look like this and the field Password needs to be filled in as well:
    <various characters>

  • when not protected by password, it will look like this and the field Password may be left empty:
    -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
    <various characters>
    -----END PRIVATE KEY-----

Using a different format can lead to an error during import: " Could not generate pfx certificate from provided files. Private key can be protected by password."