Migrating from IIS to self-host

If you previously deployed YSoft SafeQ Job Service into IIS to enable Windows Authentication, you have to follow the following migration guide to go back to the self-hosted mode, which now also supports Windows Authentication.

  1. Stop & Remove YSoft SafeQ Job Service from the IIS

  2. Create Windows service which will run YSoft SafeQ Job Service (do this only if you previously removed a Windows service named YSoft SafeQ Job Service). You can create it by running following command in the PowerShell. If your installation path differs, change it in the command.

    sc.exe create YSoftSQ-JOB-SERVICE binpath="C:\SafeQ6\JobService\YSoft.JobService.Host.exe --run-as-service" displayname="YSoft SafeQ Job Service" start=auto
  3. Start the service