MS SQL Database and Data Warehouse Backup

Before the backup

It is recommended to stop YSoft SafeQ services before database backup is performed.

The backup of databases shall be done at the same time to prevent inconsistency among databases.

Stop all YSoft SafeQ services in the whole environment (Management Servers, Site Servers) except YSoft Bundled Etcd

MS SQL backup

All backup procedures should be consulted first with the Database Administrator/Owner.

Please note that this is just a quick guide for MS SQL Server Management Studio. Latest documentation is always available on Microsoft web pages.

  1. On the database server, run Microsoft SQL Server Management studio

  2. Click File - Connect to Object Explorer

  3. Choose a Database engine as a Server type and connect to the database server

  4. In the Object Explorer (menu on the left) click Databases

  5. Right-click the SQDB6 database and select the Tasks > Shrink > Database ... option and proceed using OK button


  6. Right-click the SQDB6 database and select the Tasks > Back up ... option

  7. Select the destination of your choice


  8. Click OK and wait until the backup is successfully finished


  9. Repeat steps 5. - 8. for SQDB6_DWH database (if it exists in the deployment scenario).

  10. Repeat steps 5. - 8. for SQDB6_IMS database

  11. Repeat steps 5. - 8. for SQDB6_YPS database (if using Payment System)

MS SQL multiple server warehouse database backup

All backup procedures should be consulted first with the Database Administrator/Owner.

If you have multiple server database deployment please follow next steps to backup warehouse database otherwise skip this section.

Please note that this is just a quick guide for MS SQL Server Management Studio. Latest documentation is always available on Microsoft web pages.

  1. On the warehouse database server, run Microsoft SQL Server Management studio

  2. Click File - Connect to Object Explorer

  3. Choose a Database engine as a Server type and connect to the database server

  4. In the Object Explorer (menu on the left) click Databases

  5. Right-click the SQDB6_DWH database and select the Tasks > Shrink > Database ... option and proceed using OK button

  6. Right-click the SQDB6_DWH database and select the Tasks > Back up ... option

  7. Select the destination of your choice


  8. Click OK and wait until the backup is successfully finished


After the backup

  1. Start YSoft SafeQ services with Automatic startup type on Management Servers again

    Do not start YSoft SafeQ Spooler Controller Group Service. It will be started by YSoft SafeQ Spooler Controller service when proper configuration is ready.

    1. Start YSoft SafeQ Management Service first

    2. Start remaining YSoft SafeQ services in no particular order

      1. You can use the following PowerShell script to perform the task

        Get-Service*YSoft* | Where-Object{$_.Name -ne'YSoftSQ-SPOCGS'} | Start-Service

  2. Start YSoft SafeQ services with Automatic startup type on Site Servers again

    Do not start YSoft SafeQ Spooler Controller Group Service. It will be started by YSoft SafeQ Spooler Controller service when proper configuration is ready.

    1. Start YSoft SafeQ Spooler Controller first

    2. Start remaining YSoft SafeQ services in no particular order

      1. You can use the following PowerShell script to perform the task

        Get-Service *YSoft* | Where-Object {$_.Name -ne 'YSoftSQ-SPOCGS'} | Start-Service