Installing YSoft SafeQ Management Server on server with specific database collation for MS-SQL database

If you are installing YSoft SafeQ on server with Turkish locale using external MS SQL server 2012, you have to create database with specific collation settings first.

Following steps require already installed MS-SQL server.

  1. Before YSoft SafeQ installation described in article Install the YSoft SafeQ Management Server, following steps are required to create database with specific collation.

  2. Open SQL Server Management Studio and create new database.


  3. On General tab enter SQDB6 as a Database name.


  4. Switch to Options tab and set specific Collation.

    Example: For Turkish locale set SQL_Latin1_General_CP1250_CI_AS .

    Then click OK and new database will be created.


  5. Now you can install SafeQ according to Install the YSoft SafeQ Management Server. In step 4.b. enter connection for external MS-SQL server. In step 4.c. enter database names of already created databases (SQDB6). Install wizard will connect to created databases and confirm connection.