How to block Konica Minolta devices

Applicable also for Olivetti, Develop and Aurora devices.

Compatible blocking cables

  • YSQC0-004-0000 Cable KM KeyCounter – Male

  • YSQC0-005-0000 Cable KM KeyCounter – Female

  • YSQC0-039-0000 KM Vender2 v5 (8-pin)

  • YSQC0-044-0000 Smart Cable KM Vender2 v5 (8-pin,Type2)

Configuration of device using Key counter cable(YSQC0-004-0000, YSQC0-005-0000)

  1. Enter service menu of the device

  2. Press STOP - 9

  3. Click on Counter settings

    1. Total counter mode must be setup on MODE 2 and large size counter mode must be setup on "A3/B4/11x17/8½x14".

  4. Click on Management function choice

    1. In Authentication device must be setup Key counter only

    2. In this menu is also possible to change type of predefined message which is displayed in case of blocked panel.

    3. Item Key counter > Message1-Message4

Configuration of device using Key counter cable on bizhub PRESS

  1. Switch-off the MFD

  2. Uncover the MFD in order to allow access to a Key counter connector

  3. Unplug a small yellow/beige plug which covers the Key counter connector

  4. Connect the Key counter blocking cable to the Key counter connector

  5. Switch-on the MFD

  6. Verify that the MFD is blocked (message Please insert key counter is displayed on the MFD panel) and can be unblocked by the terminal

Configuration of device using KM Vender2 cable(YSQC0-039-0000, YSQC0-044-0000)

Leaving the blocking cable connected to MFD and disconnecting it from Terminal Professional/Ultralight may cause inability to start the MFD or infinite reboots of the MFD.

  1. Enter service menu of the device

  2. Press STOP - 9

  3. Click on Counter settings

    1. Total counter mode must be setup on MODE 2 and large size counter mode must be setup on "A3/B4/11x17/8½x14".

  4. Click on Management function choice

    1. In Service menu > Management function choice > must be setup vender 2

Alternative configuration for bizhub C3350 (firmware A3GN30G0206-999 or newer required)

  1. Enter service menu of the device

  2. Press STOP > 2 > 2 > 2 > 0 > 0

  3. Click on Counter settings

    1. Total counter mode must be setup on MODE 2 and large size counter mode must be setup on "A3/B4/11x17/8½x14".

  4. Click on Management function choice

    1. In Service menu > Management function choice > must be setup vender 2

Additional setting

To enable printing with Vender 2 cable setup:

Tools/counters > 3 Administrator setting > 9 Security Setting > 7 Management Function setting > 1 Function setting

  • Copy – ON

  • Print – OFF

  • Send Scan/Fax – ON

Examples of blocking cable connection:

KM bizhub C364

YSQC0-044-0000 Smart Cable KM Vender2 v5 (8-pin,Type2)

images/download/thumbnails/14981937/2013-03-25_13.35.42.jpg images/download/thumbnails/14981937/2013-03-25_13.35.54.jpg images/download/thumbnails/14981937/2013-03-25_13.36.28.jpg

KM bizhub C364

YSQC0-004-0000 Cable KM KeyCounter – Male

images/download/thumbnails/14981937/20131014_110647_2.jpg images/download/thumbnails/14981937/20131014_110319_2.jpg images/download/thumbnails/14981937/20131014_110509.jpg

KM bizhub C554

YSQC0-044-0000 Smart Cable KM Vender2 v5 (8-pin,Type2)


KM bizhub C654 / C754 / C654e / C754e

YSQC0-044-0000 Smart Cable KM Vender2 v5 (8-pin,Type2)

images/download/thumbnails/14981937/C654_Vender2.png images/download/thumbnails/14981937/Vendor_C654_C754_C654e_C754e_%284%29.jpg

KM bizhub PRESS 1250

YSQC0-004-0000 Cable KM KeyCounter – Male

If the depicted wire conjunction is present (default state) - the device is unblocked.

If this is removed - device becomes blocked and blocking cable can be attached and used for un-blocking.

images/download/thumbnails/14981937/IMG_20130521_130817_2.jpg images/download/thumbnails/14981937/IMG_20130521_130801_2.jpg images/download/thumbnails/14981937/IMG_20130521_130807_2.jpg

KM bizhub PRESS C6000

YSQC0-004-0000 Cable KM KeyCounter – Male

If the depicted wire conjunction is present (default state) - the device is unblocked.

If this is removed - device becomes blocked and blocking cable can be attached and used for un-blocking.

images/download/thumbnails/14981937/2013-08-13_14.59.41.jpg images/download/thumbnails/14981937/2013-08-13_15.01.20.jpg images/download/thumbnails/14981937/2013-08-13_15.01.09.jpg

KM bizhub C224e / C284e / C364e / C454e / C554e / 224e / 284e / 364e / 454e / 554e

YSQC0-044-0000 Smart Cable KM Vender2 v5 (8-pin,Type2)

images/download/thumbnails/14981937/Vendor2_%28CN42%29_-_C224e_C284e_C364e_C454e_C554e_foto.jpg images/download/thumbnails/14981937/Vendor2_%28CN42%29_-_C224e_C284e_C364e_C454e_C554e.jpg

KM bizhub Cxx4e / xx 4e

YSQC0-004-0000 Cable KM KeyCounter – Male


KM bizhub C368/C308/C258

YSQC0-044-0000 Smart Cable KM Vender2 v5 (8-pin, Type2)


YSQC0-004-0000 Cable KM KeyCounter Male


KM bizhub 758/808/958

YSQC0-044-0000 Smart Cable KM Vender2 v5 (8-pin, Type2)


YSQC0-004-0000 Cable KM KeyCounter Male


KM bizhub C3350/C3850

YSQC0-044-0000 Smart Cable KM Vender2 v5 (8-pin,Type2)


YSQC0-044-0000 Smart Cable KM Vender2 v5 (8-pin,Type2)


KM bizhub C3351/C3851

YSQC0-044-0000 Smart Cable KM Vender2 v5 (8-pin,Type2)


KM bizhub C659/C759

YSQC0-044-0000 Smart Cable KM Vender2 v5 (8-pin,Type2)


YSQC0-004-0000 Cable KM KeyCounter Male


KM bizhub 4052/4752

YSQC0-044-0000 Smart Cable KM Vender2 v5 (8-pin, Type2)

images/download/thumbnails/14981937/bizhub4052-connector.jpg images/download/thumbnails/14981937/bizhub4052-cable.jpg

Smart Blocking Cables for Hardware Terminals

Required for copy control

Smart Cable KM Vender2 v5 (8-pin,Type2)

images/download/thumbnails/110568517/44.jpg images/download/attachments/110568517/YSQC0-044-0000.jpg

Smart Cable KM Vender2 v5 (8-pin)

images/download/thumbnails/110568517/39.jpg images/download/attachments/110568517/YSQC0-039-0000.jpg

Smart Cable KM Vender2 v5 (9-pin)

images/download/thumbnails/110568517/38.jpg images/download/attachments/110568517/YSQC0-038-0000.jpg

Smart Cable KM Key-counter - Female SSR - (TP)

images/download/thumbnails/110568517/05.jpg images/download/attachments/110568517/YSQC0-005-0000.jpg

Smart Cable KM Key-counter - Male SSR - (TP)

images/download/thumbnails/110568517/04.jpg images/download/attachments/110568517/YSQC0-004-0000.jpg