How to Configure E-mails

YSoft SafeQ is capable of sending emails in various situations, including:

  • Scan to Email

  • Payment quota

  • Notifications

  • Reports

  • and others

Emails are sent using the standard SMTP Protocol.

Email Settings page

Connection to the SMTP server is configured under System > Email configuration.



YSoft SafeQ contains pre-set configurations for selected email providers, which can be selected in the Connection provider field.

If your provider is not on the list, select Custom and enter the values in accordance to the email provider manual.


YSoft SafeQ supports the following methods or authentication:

  • No authorization

  • Username and password: A constant set of credentials

  • OAuth 2.0: A more secure method using short-lived tokens to authorize requests

The OAuth 2.0 method requires that admin registers their YSoft SafeQ instance with the email provider, which is described in the next section.


Email addresses that will appear as senders of the emails.

Email providers usually limit which addresses can be used as senders, so consult you email provider manual for details.

Note: In addition to this setting, specific YSoft SafeQ features (such as Scan Connectors, Payment and others) allow to override the sender configuration.

Predefined receivers

Email addresses to which certain messages are sent.

OAuth 2.0 authentication setup

With the OAuth 2.0 authentication, it is required to register YSoft SafeQ with the email provider. The registration must be done by the YSoft SafeQ administrator, because it requires whitelisting the URL of the YSoft SafeQ server.



The user who will be used as email sender in YSoft SafeQ must have a valid Microsoft 365 license assigned.

Enabling SMTP AUTH Protocol

YSoft SafeQ sends emails using authorized SMTP protocol, which needs to be enabled for the organization in Microsoft Azure, and for the specific user in Microsoft 365 Center.

SMTP AUTH protocol is not available when Microsoft Security Defaults are active, even if used with the Modern Authentication with OAuth 2.0 (see Microsoft documentation on the topic)

Therefore, Security Defaults must be disabled for the tenant:

  • Navigate to

  • Select Azure Active Directory > Properties > Manage Security Defaults > click No in Enable Security Defaults. Click Save.


SMTP protocol must also be enabled for the user account which will be used as email sender:

  • Navigate to

  • Select Users > Active users > select your user > select Mail tab > click Manage email apps.

  • Make sure that Authenticated SMTP is selected


App registration

Next, we need an App registration which will contain URLs of your YSoft SafeQ installation. The following steps are excerpts from the Microsoft guide:

  • Log in to

  • Under Azure Active Directory, you can find your App registrations. Click New registration or select an existing one


  • Fill in the form:

    • Choose a name - it will be visible to your user during registration

    • For Supported account types, select the first or second option:

      • Accounts in this organization only (Single tenant) is preferred if this App registration will only be used for YSoft SafeQ Emails

      • Accounts in any organization directory (Multi tenant) is also supported

      • Personal accounts are not supported

    • In the Redirect URI section, select Web and fill in the following URL https://<management_interface_url>/oauth2/client/smtp/authorize-callback

      • <management_interface_url> must be the same as the URL you use to access your management interface

(If the URI changes, or if there are multiple URIs, they can be modified later under Authentication tab of the created Client registration)

  • Click Register

  • On the created Client registration, under Overview tab, take note of the Application (client) id (when prompted later, enter it to the Client ID field in YSoft SafeQ)


  • Under Certificates & secrets, create a New client Secret (choose name and validity according to your needs). Once created, take note of the Value (when prompted later, enter it to the Client Secret field in YSoft SafeQ)

    • Note: The Secret Value is only visible immediately after creation. If lost, a new secret needs to be created.


YSoft SafeQ Authorization

  • Navigate to System > Email configuration.

  • In Connection Provider, select Microsoft 365.

  • In Authorization type, select OAuth 2.0.

  • Fill in the Client ID and Client secret according to the steps above.

  • Click Authorize. A popup window will guide you through the authorization.

    • If your Management Service is accessible under multiple URLs, make sure to perform the authorization with the one that is registered in Azure. A common source of errors is using HTTP protocol where HTTPS is registered.

    • After successful authorization, your username will be copied over to Authorization username. In rare cases, the Authorization username may not be determined correctly, in which case it needs to be entered manually.

  • Fill in the rest of the form according to your needs and save it.

Only the user who performed the authorization can be the email sender (in the From: header). Sending emails on behalf of a different user is not supported

YSoft SafeQ is now set up to authorize emails using OAuth 2.0 with Microsoft.

Scopes used for Microsoft

  • - To be able to send emails

  • openid and profile - To prefill the username field

  • offline_access - To allow the authorization last for extended time


Support for Google OAuth 2.0 is experimental. Use at your own risk.


The user who will be used as email sender in YSoft SafeQ must have Google Mail enabled.

Client registration

We need a Client registration that will contain URLs of your Ysoft SafeQ installation.

  • Log in to

  • Create a new Project

  • Name it according to your needs

  • Click Create.

  • When the project is created, add Gmail API.

  • And enable it.

  • Create Credentials.

  • Credential type is User data.

  • Click Next

  • Fill in App information

  • Click Save And Continue

  • It's not necessary to add any scopes, just click Save and Continue

  • Fill OAuth Client ID form:

    • Application type: Web Application

    • Name: according you your needs

    • Authorized redirect URIs: Be sure to add Ysoft SafeQ address in this format: https://<your url>/oauth2/client/smtp/authorize-callback


  • Generated Client ID and Client Secret are available on the Credentials tab


Adding a test user

The Client we have just created is not public, therefore only a limited range of users may use it. In order to make the Client public, it must be verified by Google, which is out of scope of this guide.
For Ysoft SafeQ purposes, only a handful of users need to be specified.

Select OAuth consent screen and in the Test Users section, click Add users. Input email of the users which will be used as email sender in YSoft SafeQ.


Ysoft SafeQ Authorization

Google is not included in the presets, so a Custom connection provider must be selected and parameters filled manually:


Server address






Authorization type

OAuth 2.0

Client ID and Client Secret

generated using above steps

Token URL

Authorization URL


openid profile email

Click Authorize, a popup window will guide you through the authorization.

  • If your Management Service is accessible under multiple URLs, make sure to perform the authorization with the one that is registered in Google. A common source of errors is using HTTP protocol where HTTPS is registered.

  • After successful authorization, your username will be copied over to Authorization username. In rare cases, the Authorization username may not be determined correctly, in which case it needs to be entered manually.

Fill the rest of the form and save it.

SafeQ is now set up to authorize emails using OAuth 2.0 with Google.

Scopes used for Google

In addition to that, access_type=offline allows the authorization to last for an extended time

OAuth 2.0 token lifetime and expiration

In OAuth 2.0, instead of a static password, a short-lived access token is used to authorize communication (such as sending emails). In SafeQ, the access token is propagated to every component, and is cached at the site level. Therefore, the site can keep sending emails for a limited time, even if connection to the Ysoft SafeQ Management Service becomes unavailable.

In order to facilitate authorizations longer that is the lifetime of the access token, another token is generated by the OAuth 2.0 Provider, a refresh token. The refresh token is used to retrieve a new access token every time it is about to expire and therefore has much longer validity. Moreover, a refresh token about to expire may be simply exchanged for another refresh token, as long as the underlying offline session is still active. Therefore, it is much more important to keep refresh tokens secured. In SafeQ, they are safely stored in Management Service database and encrypted if Data Protection is on. They are never passed to another component.

Various providers have varying rules for the offline session lifetime. It is also usually possible to terminate the session manually, thus rendering all refresh tokens invalid.

To summarize:

  • Access token - Stored at sites, has short expiration date and it expiration determines how long the site can keep sending emails when Management Service is offline

  • Refresh token - Stored in Management Service, its expiration determines how long Management Service may stay disconnected from the Internet, until a new authorization is needed

  • Offline session - Specified at the OAuth 2.0 provider, determines how long the authorization lasts before needing to re-login, even if YSoft SafeQ is online

Access token caching and refreshing

As stated above, a valid access token is a prerequisite to be able to send emails with OAuth 2.0 authorization. Access tokens are stored in Spooler Controller and survive restart, but once they expire, a communication with Management Service is needed to fetch new ones.

YSoft SafeQ employs the following strategy to make sure that every site has a non-expired access token at nearly all times:

  • Whenever a token is needed and is not already in cache, it is fetched from Management Service and cached according to its expiration date

  • All cached tokens are preemptively refreshed every hour

Therefore, in the worst case, the site may keep sending emails without Management Service, for the time equal to access token lifetime minus one hour.

Microsoft specific settings

Access token lifetime is by default random from 60 to 90 minutes, but can be extended up to 1 day. See the documentation for more details.

Offline session lifetime is directly influenced by User sign in frequency. By default, it uses a rolling window of 90 days after last usage, but that just means that as long as YSoft SafeQ is running, the session is perpetually extended.

However, the policy may be configured to require re-authentication after a specified time (such as N days since the last login). Such policy is arguably not ideal for the user account used in Ysoft SafeQ for sending emails, because it requires the YSoft SafeQ admin to repeat the manual authorization steps on a regular basis.

User password reset and password expiration policies alone have no impact on OAuth 2.0 session validity, unless coupled with explicit session revocation.


  • Microsoft: Only the user who performed the authorization can be the email sender (in the From: header). Sending emails on behalf of a different user is not supported.

  • Spooler Controller installer allows to override email settings for that site. This override only supports Username and Password authentication.

  • Email settings only apply to each individual tenant. When SafeQ is deployed in multi-tenant setup and an external system (Cloud Central) is used to create tenant via API, YSoft SafeQ is capable of sending invitation emails in Cluster Admin context, but these emails cannot be authorized with OAuth 2.0.