Guide for Hardware Administrators

This guide is for administrators who need to control one piece of YSoft hardware device. By YSoft hardware device we mean:

  • YSoft be3D eDee,

  • YSoft SafeQ Terminal Pro 4 or

  • YSoft SafeQube 2.

The term device is used in the rest of this guide for any of the products

How to rescue flash the device

Rescue flashing is only needed for manufacturing or when the device is broken and the admin wants to clear the device and remove all configuration. For normal OS update see section Operation system update below.

This guide is for operating systems 4.x.x. For flashing older systems contact Y Soft.


  • USB flash disc

  • micro USB (male) - USB (female) cable (OTG)

Flash preparation steps

  1. Download OS files according to the version you want to flash:

    • For versions newer than 4.2.0 you need signed_fitimage.rescue, uaos-4.x.x.tar.gz

    • For versions older than 4.2.0 you need files signed_fitimage-rescue, signed_fitimage-rescue.sig, signed_os-ua-devel-4.1.25.tar.gz, signed_os-ua-devel-4.1.25.tar.gz.sig

  2. Format USB disc to FAT32.

  3. Copy all files from step 1 to flash disc.

Now the flash disc is ready for flashing. If you want to customize the flash you can add additional apps or configuration.

Adding apps to the flash

  1. Download .tar.gz install file of the app.

  2. Copy this file to the app/ directory on the flash disc.


  1. Insert the flash drive into the USB port (using OTG cable).

  2. Turn on device.

  3. The device will automatically erase old OS and install a new one. The process takes few minutes.

  4. When message "Unplug flashdisk" is displayed, unplug the flash drive. The device will reboot itself.

  5. After the new system boots, device will:

    1. Apply DB patch and init the database to initial state.

    2. Communicate certificate with the CA (if mTLS is enabled and there was pairing-key in the customization file).

    3. Install apps that were copied to the device from the flash drive.

After that the device is ready to to use. It will display IP address on the screen and admin could login to the device using one of the methods listed below.

How to login

There are two ways how to control the device:

  • A management console accessible over SSH. The management console is a command line utility, which allows administrators to configure the devices.

    • All available commands can be listed in the console by command 'help '. More more specific help for particular command will be displayed after typing ' <command> --help '.

    • The console has autocomplete function - press the [Tab ↹] key for the console to show you available commands in the current context or automatically complete the current command.

    • The command history can be browsed by up and down keys.

    • The management console session can be terminated by the ' exit ' command.

    • To clear the screen use ' clear '.

  • A management web interface which allows:

    • Browsing and exporting log files.

    • Update and reboot of OS.

    • Installation and uninstallation of applications.

    • Starting, stopping, restarting and configuring of applications.

    • Most common device configuration (network, timezones, NTP, Infrastructure servers (IMS)).


  • Username: manager

  • Default password: oCfpB112g5bZpOcywAp7

The credentials are the same for both the management console and the management web. If you change your password in one of them then the other will accept only the new password.

The password is valid for all devices. It is highly recommended to change the password. For more information see section How to change manager password below.

For more information on how to log to the management console see Management console section Login.

For more information on how to log to management web see Management web section Login.

How to change manager password

The new password has to have at least 6 characters.

For more information on how to change the password on the management console see Management console section Change Password.

For more information on how to change the password on the management web see Management web section Change Password.

How to reboot the device

Rebooting the device is possible only from management console. For more information see Management console section How to reboot the device.

Connection to YSoft Infrastructure Service (IMS)

The YSoft Infrastructure Service is part of YSoft SafeQ Management Service and allows to control groups of YSoft Hardware devices. Device is usually connected to the IMS during installation or deployment steps. Once the device is connected to IMS, it can download OS images, applications, or configuration from there.

For more information see Management console section Connection to YSoft Infrastructure Service (IMS) .

For more information see Management web section Connection to YSoft Infrastructure Service (IMS) .

The server connection timeout cannot be set from the web interface.

Operating system update

For more information see Management console section Operating system update.

For more information see Management web section Operating system update.


The YSoft hardware device is delivered with pre-installed applications according its type.

Configuring application

For more information see Management console section Configuring application.

For more information see Management web section Configuring application parameters.

Controlling applications

For more information see Management console section Controlling applications.

For more information see Management web section Configuring Application.

Application update

It is not possible to update the application in one step. The update procedure consists of application package upload, uninstalling or stopping the old application, and then installing the new application. The data and configuration are shared by different versions of the same application.

Installing application with IMS connection

For more information see Management console section Installing applicationWith IMS connection.

Installing application without IMS connection

For more information see Management console section Installing applicationWithout IMS connection.

For more information see Management web section Installing application.

The application installation package is deleted after successful installation.

Uninstalling applications

For more information see Management console section Uninstalling application.

For more information see Management web section Uninstalling application.

How to see logs

For more information see Management console section How to check logs.

For more information see Management web section Logs.

Other configuration


For more information see Management console section Other configurationNetworking.

For more information see Management web section Other configurationNetworking.


To simplify international shipping, the device doesn't have a battery to backup time information while it is powered down. The time right after start may not be accurate and will be synchronized with NTP server at the earliest possible time according to timezone and NTP server settings.

For more information see Management console section Other configurationTime.

For more information see Management web section Other configurationTime.

Services control

For more information see Management console section Other configurationServices control.

For more information see Management web section Controlling system services – only for OS version 4.4 and higher.

SNMP configuration

Only for OS version 4.5. and higher.

For more information see Management console section Other configurationSNMP configuration.

For more information see Management web section SNMP.

CPU information

For more information see Management console section Operating system status and infoCPU and RAM information.

Display backlight

For more information see Management console section Other configurationDisplay backlight.


For more information see Management console section Other configurationSound.